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    Maniac Magee Essay (519 words)

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    This is a story about a kid name maniac Magee. Maniac was an orphan he ran away from his Aunt& Uncle. He ran for 300 miles until he reach this town that was split in to two part. One side was all black people and the other was all white people. Maniacs pull off a miracle and made the towns be come one big town where whites and blacks could get a long.

    People said that Maniac Magee was born in a dump. They said his stomach was a cereal box and his heart a sofa spring. They also said that he had 8 inch cockroach on a leash and that rats stood guard over him while he slept. That said if you knew he was coming and you sprinkled salt on the ground and he ran over it within two or three blocks he would be as slow as every one else.

    But that was only the myth of Maniac Magee. The truth of Maniac was that he really was not born in the dump, he was born in a house, a pretty ordinary house, right regular parents. But one day his parents left him with a sitter and took the P & W high-speed trolley into the city, on the way back home they were on board when the motorman was drunk and took the high trestle over the Schuylkill river at sixty miles an hour and the whole kaboodle took a swam dive into the water. So Maniac was really an orphan he was only three years old when it happen. Maniac was not his real name his real name was Jeffrey Lionel Magee.

    Everybody knows that Jeffrey started out in Hollidaysburg and wound up in two hills. Jeffery ran two hundred miles and ends it up in two mills it took him fifty-0ne weeks to get there. Jeffrey first day ay two mill there have been ten thousand people and a parade of fire trucks waiting for him at the town limit. But they did not do any thing but say hi to Jeffrey know one try and stop him. The first person Jeffrey talk to was Amanda Beale it only happen because of a mistake. It was around eight in the morning and Amada was heading for grade school like hundreds of other kid all over town were.

    What made Amanda different was that she had a suitcase Jeffrey figured she was like him a running away, so he stop and said hi to her. But Jeffrey found out that she was not she was only going to school the only thing in her suitcase was a lot of books. Jeffrey ask her can he borrow a book she fist said no then she finally said yes. Jeffrey made three other appearances that first day. The first came at one of the high school fields during eleventh-grade gym class. Most of the students were playing soccer.

    The other’s were playing football. Jeffery watch the foot mall game. He was very in to. In this chapter Jeffrey ment Mrs. Valerie Pickwell and her kids.


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    Maniac Magee Essay (519 words). (2019, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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