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    Management Is Both an Art and a Science

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    Organizing is an important function in management and helps coordinate a business. Organizing involves determining how activities and resources are grouped together. It is a basic task that allows any level of management to work together. It is aimed to help the people more then the actual task. Creating an organized environment for the workers will help get things done faster. No matter the industry organizing will be a crucial role to keep structure. Without organizing the business will be disordered. The difference when it comes to organizing is each type of industry like retail and music; they need different plans. They both need a stable plans to sucseed but there are more steps that go into each.

    A major problem when business are failing is they lack the structure to build within the company. Meaning, it is the duty of the company to stay organized to keep the structure of it intact. Wise words of Martin Luther king Jr. said “Our most powerful nonviolent weapon is… also our most demanding, that is organization. To produce change people must be organized to work together in units of power”. This quote originally was not intended to mean organizing in a business perspective but can be interpreted towards management. An organization must have coordination in order to accomplish anything.

    Organizing focuses on the people first, then on the workers in power.” In choosing tactics, campaigns, or language the need for engagement with people takes center stage. Speaking truth to power only works once you are well organized and have spoken truth to the people”(Moser).The benefits of organizing harmonizes the many individual goals into one and then the overall job is done better.

    Organizing is essential in the growth of a business and aids in its efficiency. Going back to how each industry needs to have organizing as their main priority, they each need different plans on how to make it most effective. The organizing that goes into the retail industry verses and the music industry have similarities and differences. Because organizing is crucial to both , it will be elaborated more throughout the paper.

    To begin with, running a retail store must consists of an overall organized system for it to succeed in the business world. Organizing the enterprise by establishing the authority and relationship among the workers will help them focus on their main goals. By identifying the activities, classifying the groups of activities, assigning each one to the workers, delegating and coordinating authority than the business will be productive. A main focus on a retail store is focusing on the inventory. Organizing store inventory takes care of the merchandise; clothing , accessories and other goods sold at the store. Being able to properly organize the stock and find it when it is being searched for and to keep the stock on your shelves at all time is important.

    When it comes to organizing the inventory alone there are two separate ways; inventory placement and simplifying inventory. Inventory placement is designing a diagram for the sales floor which will allow a diagram to show where everything goes. Before organizing the store , having a layout of the placements of where everything will go is a important step. When building a store up from nothing organizing where everything will be placed will benefit the consumers and workers once the store is open. Building the shelves and having it in the correct placement then figuring out what goes on them will be based on the instructions given by higher management.

    The other kind of inventory is simplifying inventory, which means creating a number scheme that allows you to categorize the inventory . For example, labeling the shelves is important because that way workers can tell when the stock is all out. Employees need to perform inventory check as often as its needed, and then use data to evaluate the stock placement.

    Organizing the retail space will attract more buyers to come shop in the store. Having everything properly placed and neat will show an organized business. Having a welcoming organizational plan creates a path through your store that makes it exciting for the consumers. For example, having an open concept layout organized for the store will show the consumer how the store wants to be represented. If the consumer walks into a messy, unorganized store then the brand will be represented as low quality and wont make any business.

    A main example of organizing is the retail store Abercrombie & Fitch. Abercrombie & Fitch’s senior management’s organizational structure is important that the company uses a ranking system. Abercrombie & Fitch is organized by different kinds of major business and different kinds if functions. Abercrombie and Fitch organizational structure is made up of “senior management level, with the CEO at the top, EVP/SVP on the second, EVP/SVP on the third and SVP at the fourth level”(Tung). To elaborate, all of these layers allows the management at this company to have their span of control lowered. Abercrombie & Fitch would be a tall organizational structure.

    A tall organizational structure is a long chain of commands and the managers create many different ranks and each one of them have a small portion to control. On the other hand, having a tall organizational structure could be a disadvantage for Abercrombie and Fitch. There is a large distance between the CEO which is the top of the chain of commands and the employees who are at the bottom (Tung).

    The tall organizational structure creates delays from each type of management. The communication could be delayed from the top management to the lower management. Having a well organized company will improve communication within the company so miscommunication could not happen within the company. Managing talent such as artists, musicians, and dancers differs from managing an ordinary company. There are several sections of management in this industry, but we will be covering the organizing portion of it all.

    When it comes to organizing in the entertainment industry there is a lot to take into consideration. One aspect of organizing entertainers is organizing gigs, shows, concerts, and/or appearances. Keeping talent in the spotlight it’s what gives these entertainment managers more income. The more their entertainers get booked; the more the managers get paid.

    For example, Jenner Communications, the management Company owned by Kris Jenner pays their employees per each entertainer they book. The top 10 percent of their managers earn more than $185,000 per artist, model, or dancer. In no other industry will anybody find compensation for doing what an entertainment manager does and makes.

    When it comes down to organizing a musician, not a lot of people think about a team needed to be formed or set up. Having to hire dancers, choreographers, producers, writers, backup vocalists, a band, videographers, artists, photographers, social media managers, and much more comes at a high expense, but if done the right way can lead to a successful artist such as Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Drake, Travis Scott, Van Halen, Aerosmith; just to name a few. In an online interview, Beyonce Knowles stated how after her break out from ‘Destiny’s Child’ she was managing herself and how she managed to work her way up to where she is now; one of the most iconic women in the world, mentioned by Forbes.

    After her last tour with her husband, Jay-Z. The power couple gained a net worth a little over $1.255 Billion. All this success came after both entertainers began managing themselves and other artists with their own understandings of what needs to be done to organize and manage.

    Another part of organizing talent includes taking control of how to distribute the funds given by investors to invest in a particular entertainer to double or triple the investment and the net worth of the invested-on entertainer. There are various strategies used by management teams in order to maximize profits within this industry.

    If you think about it, entertainers are a huge part of this country. They drive the youth to make decisions and inspire people to move forward or act a certain way. Needless to say, managing these influencers is a very important part of the public world. This overall differentiates organizing from traditional companies from entertainment industries. Not only did the organizational ways of the music industry help benefit them but the organizational ways of the retail industry help them as well.

    Yet, each have different perspectives and plans on how they should organize. Not all industries have the same goal in the end unless it is making money. The company’s goals should be creating a profit but there are different types of actions that need to be taken to create a positive outcome. The same 5 step plan for one company might not work for a different company because of how they run their business. Factors include the consumer, who they are selling to, the end goal and what they are selling.

    Discussed prior, the music and retail industry do not have the same products so why use the same organizing plan. Their consumers might be the same and their end goal might be the same but their approach will not be. The retail industry focuses more on how they are selling their merchandise. They focus on the look of the store and where everything will be placed. The consumers are attracted to the design of the store and where everything is place. No consumer would walk into a disorganised store.

    Considering Abercrombie and Fitch, they opened a new prototype store which has a new floor plan and was organized differently than the original look. That company is now making more money just based off the outlook of the store then the consumer goods sold. The organizational plan of a retail store is to make money but consumers shop in store to have the experience rather than the clothing. They spend more time organizing the layout of the store than what is being sold.

    In the same way, the entertainment industry they are selling the experience that goes along with the music. Organizing the talent industry is hard work because so much goes into it. Organizing where, when, how the entertainer will be is more difficult than selling clothing. Understandably, their common goal is to make money but instead of making the place nice and organized the managers are making the person look well put. Why have a unorganized concert or label produced when they can just sell the music by itself. Adding the few touches helps boots revenue for the person. A difference that is major between the two industries is in retail the money gets scattered to the many workers that own the store where as the money for the entertainer mainly goes to them.

    In conclusion, the functions of management all play a role when dealing with a d=business but for it to all work together the organizing function is what is most important. Without having structure in the business the planning, directing, staffing and controlling could not happen. If these function were not organized to work together to create a successful business then how will the company grow.

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