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    Macbeths Downfall Essay Summary

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    In William Shakespeare’s famous play Macbeth, there are many reasons for Macbeth’s gradual downfall. Numerous factors contributed to Macbeth’s ruin, such as his own character flaws and his demanding wife, Lady Macbeth. The Three Witches, however, caused Macbeth the most trouble.

    First, the sisters stirred his dormant ambitions to be king. In addition to this, the witches’ prophesies gave Macbeth a false sense of security. Finally, their predictions falsely led Macbeth to believe he would some day be happy. The Witches’ contributed the most to Macbeth’s destruction by first stirring his deep lying ambitions, also by giving him a false sense of security and finally, by allowing Macbeth to believe he would someday be content. Naturally, Macbeth was third in line to become King of Scotland.

    Deep in his heart, he desperately wanted the crown, and all the power that came with it. Macbeth suppressed his feelings, however, until he heard the three witches’ first prophecy. “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter”, were the witch’s words. When Macbeth heard this, his desperate need for the crown revealed itself because he realized it was possible to take the thrown.

    When Macbeth’s yearning to be king could not be overcome, he did not let anything stand in his way of being crowned, even if that meant he had to commit murder. The Three Witches ignited Macbeth’s desire to be king with their prophecy. When the witches told Macbeth that no man born of a woman could harm him, he would not be defeated until the forest came to his castle, and that his only threat was Macduff, Macbeth felt very secure about his kingship. Little did Macbeth know, that all of these foretellings would bring about his demise. Macduff was born out of a dead woman, so he was the only one who could hurt Macbeth.

    When Malcolm’s army attacked Macbeth’s castle, they camouflaged themselves with trees, thus giving the appearance of the forest coming to the castle. Finally, Macduff was the only thing that Macbeth had to worry about, because he was not born of a woman, and could kill Macbeth. Macbeth completely disregarded the Witches’ prophecies because he thought of them as rubbish. Had the three witches told Macbeth the real truth that they ticked him out of believing, Macbeth would not have gotten so cocky as a result of his security.

    Therefore, maybe things would have been different. The Witches prophesized that Macbeth would be King of Scotland some day. When Macbeth found out he would someday be King, this made him believe he would also one day be happy. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth attributed power to happiness. So, it was partially the pursuit of happiness that made Macbeth become a murderer.

    Consequently, the witches’ prophecy contributed to Macbeth’s ruin in this way also. The Witches’ contributed the most to Macbeth’s destruction. First, by stirring his deep lying ambitions to one day become king, these ambitions caused him nothing but trouble. Also, the Witches prophecies gave Macbeth a false sense of security. Finally, the witches led Macbeth to believe that he would someday be happy, which was far from the truth.

    In William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, the three witches contribute the most to Macbeth’s ruin. Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Macbeths Downfall Essay Summary. (2019, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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