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    Macbeth does murder sleep essay

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    Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep (2, 2, 47) These are words speaking of an evil person. As much of the play Macbeth is about. The play starts with evil, the three witches burrying different wierd objects. As well as throughout the majority of the play, evil is the basis of all within this story. The blood in this story is evil. And I dont mean the blood which pours from a dying king. I mean blood in the sense of gore, and violence. The whole play it self is full of fights. The plot goes from a fight to a scence that plans a fight, to a fight, to a scene ith more planning or reflection. Its a viscious cycle in this play.

    Its all violence. I suppose that would be ok if your making an action movie staring Arnold Schwarzeneger, but this is supposed to be a classic, a tragedy, the only tragedy was that it sucked. A playwrite such as Shakespeare wouldnt have wrote a play of just violence. He actually has good content in his plays. Although there is a bit of good content in this play. Theres just no transition of it within the play. It hardly makes any sense. All of this further makes me believe that there are scenes missing.

    The witches are pure evil as well. they are the ones who filled Macbeths head with all these visions of power. Which in turn transformed Macbeth into a psychotic killing machine. Before he met the witches, he was an innocent warrior, an honorable fighter of the king. But once the witches filled him with greed, he no longer was a loyalist of the king. He in a short period of time pulled a hundred and eighty degree turn and did the furthest thing from loyal he possibly could of done to the king, he killed him in his sleep.

    And if that isnt evil enough, he blamed it on two loyal, innocent gaurds, and slaughtered them on the spot. Lady Macbeth is as well pure evil. She is the persuassion behind Macbeth. He would never of murdered Duncan if Lady Macbeth hadnt persuaded him to. Macbeth was too full o the milk of human kindness. Perhaps Macbeth would have received the throne loyaly and honorably to begin with. Many times Macbeth had tried to back down from killing Duncan, but Lady Macbeth wouldnt of let that happen. She made fun of him, called him down.

    She did what was necessary to keep him from chickening out. Perhaps Macbeth did whatever she told him to because of sex. Lady Macbeth certainly is made out to be a very sexy woman in the play. She may have used her powers of sex to persuade her husband to perform the irreversible deeds. The murder of Duncan caused a chain effect on Macbeth, making it necessary (in Macbeths eyes) to kill Banquo, Macduffs wife and children, and all the other innocent casualties. Although there are many evil objects in this play, the most evil of them all is greed.

    No matter who was more influenced by this power, Lady Macbeth to become queen or Macbeth to become king, it caused this whole predicament. If Macbeth didnt care at all about becoming the king, he probably wouldnt have murdered Duncan to become king, and to later have his life fall apart. Throughout the play Macbeth, there were many very evil people, places, and things. The evil in in the play was a domino effect. Starting with the withches, and ending with Macduff taking Macbeths head. The evil, be it the witches, his wife, or greed, ended it with a blood bath of revenge.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Macbeth does murder sleep essay. (2018, Apr 14). Retrieved from

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