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    Lower Voting Age In Canada Essay

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    The young as well as the older people of Canada seem to be in a deadlock.

    The question of if the federal government should or should not lower the voting age is a question debated surely around the dinner tables of families in Canada, as well as in the ranks of the government. Some people even suggest that the age needs to be raised. What would make people want the voting age to be lowered to an even lower age than the young adult age of 18? On the other hand how can the youth of Canada who have their own individual views be able to make a difference without being able to vote? Both sides provide for an intriguing look into the facts and resolutions for an appropriate way to either change the voting age or keep it the same. Throughout this paper I will look at and analyze the arguments of the youth who claim to be ‘disenfranchised’, as well as others who see the lowering of the voting age to be detrimental rather than an improvement to the Government of Canada’s political process. In 1854, before Canada became a responsible government the only people allowed to vote were people who had a high value of land which they owned, and had a high income. Women and people with other ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs were also denied the right to vote.

    This did not mean that these people did not have their views and beliefs on who and what they wanted in their government but rather they were denied the right. These laws have changed since then drastically and Canada has become a democratic country (rule by the people). However, the frustration of not being able to vote and support their ideals and politicians does live on in the hearts and minds of thousands of young Canadians under the age of eighteen. The youth of Canada between the ages of ten to eighteen years old accounts for approximately 12. 5 percent of the overall population of Canada. Thousands of these young adults are politically informed, politically active and have the concerns and demands many of the people who actually vote have.

    However, the youth of Canada also have concerns of their own which they are unable to address substantially. People under the age of eighteen for the most part are concerned in matters much different than say an employed thirty five-year-old. The youth under eighteen still are in high school they are concerned about as a grade 10 student from Western Canada High School put class sizes, teacher disputes, and minimum wage, (Thompson) among other things. He later goes on to state the fact that by the time he has indeed graduated and become eighteen years old, he will no longer be interested in class sizes nor teacher disputes, therefore he will not address them in his decision on who he decided to vote for. This is a very valid argument and it is also true for the most part to say that the voices of these concerned children should be heard via the vote of their parents.

    The government of Canada sees the parents as a voice for their children, however parents inevitably will vote in a bias towards their needs such as tax cuts. Without the availability and opportunity to vote and voice their opinions in an electoral system the youth of Canada are left to impact the political process in other ways. Thousands of youth are involved in political parties, political rallies and interest groups all over the country and as the country starts recognizing these groups more it has become increasingly easier to voice one’s opinion and join. This is a valid argument to the point that most youth can already impact the result in politics by voicing their opinions and informing others rather than voting. Interest groups are an influential part of politics in Canada and if one under the age of eighteen does feel the need to voice their opinion and influence politics this can be argued to be easier and sometimes more efficient than actually voting. On the other hand, an interest group never can or will have the .

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    Lower Voting Age In Canada Essay. (2019, Mar 25). Retrieved from

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