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    Lifestyles Comparising Essay (507 words)

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    There is always a tendency to compare our person lifestyle to that of many yearsago.

    Introduction: Education In past, students face less pressure fromteachers and parents. Today, students are much pressurized to perform I)Community Living in village In past, community living in village was moreattractive and successful and standard of living was low. Today, people aresuspicious of their neighbors and it is common to see closed doors in mosthigh-rise flats. II) Advance Technology In past, there were no computers. Today, we have laptops or notebooks; we can carry it everywhere III)Telecommunications In past, we have to travel a lot from one place to anotherto convey a simple message Today, world is very small we can make callswherever we like. Conclusion: Thus, lifestyle and society of today and that inthe past have their own positive and negative issues.

    There is always a tendencyto compare our person lifestyle to that of many years ago. To a certain extent,things were much better in earlier times. Firstly, in the aspect of education,students faced less pressure from teachers and parents. Expectations of thesepeople were often realistic and achievable and this helped to be relaxed andcool as individuals. Today, students are much pressurized to perform well inschool to meet to the expectations of their teacher and parents.

    This isreflected by the numerous tuition sessions and additional lessons they have toattend the more often than not, the academic aspect overrides the importance ofsocial and emotional development. Secondly, community living in village was moreattractive and successful in the past; people were drawn together naturallydespite their religion or race. They were spontaneous in helping one another. Today, people are suspicious of their neighbors and it is common to see closeddoors in most high-rise flats. There is no communications among neighbors insome cases.

    Thirdly, the purchasing power of a consumer is higher. In the past,standard of living was very low, where as, consumer goods were cheap. Today, aconsumer needs to possess more money to purchase basic necessities of life. Ofcourse, the present time has its appeal too. Firstly, with the impressiveadvance in technology, our life is made more comfortable.

    The computer systemenables one to edit a complete work repeatedly and serves various functions aswell. Information can be saved in files and easily retrieved if desired. Eventhe computers of today are more portable and compact in their designs. A laptopor notebook can be carried around easily. Secondly, the telecommunicationsservices are so advanced that there is greater accessibility to makeinternational calls whenever we like.

    There is no need to travel overseas tomake personal visits when important messages need to be conveyed. Anotherimportant positive trail of todays society is the improvement in publictransport. With the invention of MRTs, road reduction, noise and airpollution are reduced. With the present increasing focus on environment issues,this is an essential step taken by us. Thus, the lifestyle and society of todayand that in the past have their own positive and negative issues. It isimportant for one to remain objective to see and appreciate the strengths ofboth times.Psychology

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Lifestyles Comparising Essay (507 words). (2019, Jan 21). Retrieved from

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