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    Learning As Art Essay (1141 words)

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    How does an auditory, grouper who scores out as a style “C” find success in an online learning environment? How does it not become a chore but rather a work of art that unfolds? There are many learning styles. With each learning style there are strengths and weaknesses that must be acknowledged in order to find a learning system that is effective and works for the individual. Forcing an individual to working a learning style that is contrary to their style can cause problems for the person to include frustration and helplessness. In this paper I will examine my own personal learning style.

    I will also explore ways that I have recognized these styles in day-to-day life, but have not necessarily categorized them as a particular learning style. I will explore my experience as an auditory learner, as a grouper and as a style c learner in relation to the Four Quadrants of learning (Gross, 1999, pp. 94-96). When I initially completed the learning styles inventory I was shocked. Prior to taking the test I looked at the three potential outcomes and thought, “This will be a piece of cake. I already know what style I am. I am definitely a visual learner. ” I took the test and the results showed I am an auditory learner.

    Initially I felt certain I had done something wrong. I repeated the test and still arrived at the same conclusion. Still not satisfied, I began my research on the Internet. I took two additional tests. I am now certain it is true. I am an auditory learner. Although I did not want to embrace it, three separate tests are surely not incorrect. I had imagined the results would show me to be a visual learner. The business analysts and the actuaries at work joke if I am going to be in a meeting they have to include a graph with their numbers so I will be happy. It is true.

    However, I realized after taking the tests the critical piece to my grasping a concept is the act of being walked through the picture step by step through verbal communication. My secondary style is visual, and a combination of the two works well for me. This revelation of self as auditory learner has shed a lot of light on both my lack of success in traditional schooling as well as my inability to make it to read an article without becoming distracted. James A. Bell states, “Western teachers also disfavored auditory learners” ( , 2001). My teachers in high school would frequently get frustrated with me.

    Comments I heard frequently while going to school were, “You need to quit being so social and focus on your studies”, “Must you talk about everything? ” “if you would only apply yourself you could do anything you wanted”. My parent’s nickname for me growing up was butterfly. They would comment I would never “light” and was way too easily distracted and would fly away before things got boring. I always thought these comments made my teachers and my parents pointed out my deficiencies. What I am learning through this course is that they are accurate observations of an auditory learner.

    The strength in this learning style is obviously having good communication skills. The weaknesses are that I am easily distracted and have a difficult time focusing on the written word so I struggle with traditional learning environments. I also took the Are you a grouper or a stringer test in Peak Learning. The test was comprised of ten questions. If you scored 6 or more a answers you are considered a grouper. If you scored 6 or more b answers you are considered a stringer. I scored ten a answers, this made me a full-blown grouper.

    The book states traditional classroom learning does not favor the grouper style. “This approach works to the disadvantage of groupers, who prefer to come to grips with overall principles before getting down to the finer details of a topic” (Gross, 1999, p. 90). One of the strengths of this learning style is the ability to understand the big picture and think abstractly. This helps in a high-level management position. An obvious weakness is difficulty in traditional classroom settings. Although an assumption could be made this weakness would no longer apply to me, it is incorrect.

    The job I currently hold requires ongoing continuing education in a classroom to maintain licensure. The training team for our division just recently started reporting to me. We are currently revamping some of our classes to accommodate several learning styles, instead of just gearing it towards one. I am a style c learner in the four quadrants for learning. According to Gross (1999) “Style C is primarily interested in moods, atmospheres, and attitudes, “. He further states, “There is a strong interest in people and communication; logic and theory take second place to feeling and experience” (p. 6). This could not be more accurate.

    Recently my division underwent a thorough process analysis. We reviewed every single process for the adjusters and nurses. The thought of having to analyze each process made my head swim. Fortunately, my coworker, Melissa was also assigned to the task. Melissa is interested in logic, order and process. She took care of documenting and flowcharting each process. I was responsible for brainstorming (communication) after the fact. I met with staff members and we discussed and prepared a gap analysis from the work that had already been done.

    It is fortunate for me I have a boss who is cognizant of my style as well as my coworker’s style and capitalizes on them for the betterment of the company. If he had reversed the roles on the project it could have failed, or taken longer. It is a certainty Melissa and I would have been frustrated and not had job satisfaction for the duration of the project. Conclusion Now that I am back in school I feel like a sculptor with a piece of marble. Where and how do I make that first chip? What is it I am going to create? Or become? Studying and learning about my personal learning styles is like doing the first draft on wood.

    What works? What does not? I know I cannot count on learning solely from reading. I must converse. I must listen. I know my weaknesses. I am easily distracted and I struggle with comprehension of the written word. The weaknesses will not deter me, though. I have strengths as well. I do remember what I hear. I have the ability to think big picture and I am a good communicator. I can chip away at the piece of marble like an artist, focus on the strengths and chip away at the weaknesses. In the end I hope to produce a work of art I never thought I could, “Lisa as successful student” through awareness of personal style.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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