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    Kinds of Oblique Drawing Essay (778 words)

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    Oblique drawings are designed to show a three dimensional view of an object. The width of the object will still be drawn as a horizontal line, but the depth can be drawn back at any angle. You can choose the best angle to make the drawing look the best. There are three types of oblique, cavalier, normal, and cabinet oblique. Cabinet drawings are when the you cut the depth in halt. Cavalier drawings are when you keep the depth the full measurement. Normal drawings are when you cut the depth by 3/4.

    The following guide will present to you the ways to create an oblique drawing. You can use a picture of a Three-View drawing to get the dimensions. Using those emissions you can make a oblique drawing. Start With the front View and draw the construction lines that you would see from the front view. These would be light lines that overlap that give you an idea of What the drawing would kick like. This is not the actual drawing Of the Object. [pit] Then draw all the depth lines at an angle back from the front view.

    Connect all the lines that would be on the top view that you can now see in the oblique. [pick Now, once you have all the construction lines done, go over and darken the lines that should be the visible lines, the outline of the object. You have to think in AD to do this, There are not going to be any hidden lines on an oblique drawing. Epic] Poor a finished example of a oblique drawing (file viewable in Autocrat L T), you may click the link below: I Draw the front view Of the Object, using only horizontal and vertical lines to construct the sides. Draw a diagonal line backwards at a 45 degree from each corner of the front view. Extend the line to the designated length Of the depth. Connect the points of the diagonal lines to reconstruct another outline of the front face. Darken the lines that would be visible if the object was seen in three- emissions, and erase the rest of the lines. I [pick] I The sketch opposite is of a former and block that are used to bend Perspex I I 190 degrees. The Perspex is heated until it becomes soft and then it is placed line the former until it cools.

    The diagram can be drawn quite quickly because the designer used a style of drawing called oblique projection. So long as I basic rules are followed, Oblique projection is quite easy to master and it may I I Vibe a suitable style for PU to use in a design project. The basic rules are I outlined below. PROJECTION I I EXAMPLE ‘OBLIQUE l[pick] I Opposite is a cube with all edges the same length. To draw it in oblique ‘projection follow three main rules: II, Draw the front or side view of the object. 12. All measurements drawn backwards are half the original measurement. 3. 45 degrees is the angle for all lines drawn backwards. I Topic STAGE ONE: Draw the front view and project 45 degrees lines from each corner I I I(pick] ‘STAGE TWO: draw the back two lines of the cube in position. Go round the eluting of the cube with a fine black pen or dark, sharp pencil. Mathematically, the parallel projection of the point [pick on the [pie-plane gives [pick]. The constants [pick and [pick] uniquely specie’ a parallel projection. When [pick], the projection is said to be “orthographic” or “orthogonal” Otherwise, it is “oblique”.

    The constants [pick and [pick] are not necessarily less than I, and as a consequence lengths measured On an Oblique projection may be either larger or shorter than they were in space. In a general oblique projection, spheres Of the space are projected as ellipses on the drawing plane, and not as circles as you would expect them from an orthogonal projection. Oblique drawing is also the crudest “AD” drawing method but the easiest to aster. Oblique is not really a AD system but a 2 dimensional view of an object with ‘forced depth’.

    One way to draw using an oblique view is to draw the side of the object you are looking at in two dimensions, i. E. Flat, and then draw the other sides at an angle of 45 degrees, hut instead of drawing the sides full size they are only drawn with halt the depth creating ‘forced depth’ – adding an element of realism to the object. Even with this forced depth’, oblique drawings look very unconvincing to the eye. For this reason oblique is rarely used by professional designers and engineers,

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Kinds of Oblique Drawing Essay (778 words). (2018, May 26). Retrieved from

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