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    Kenneth Slessor’s poetry is distinctive because of its strong Essay

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    It’s a discovery of change from a peaceful country environment to the harsh and cruel takeover by technological advances in which nature is destroyed. When boughs at last relinquish their clench of blowing air”, this demonstrates Sleeker’s concern for the loss of the trees grip on life and their struggle to remain tall. The trees have been drained of life, and this is due to the lacking care of humans to their own environment. This use of imagery, “last relinquish” adds to the dark, grim, barren tone of the poem which emphasizes the destruction undertaken by humans.

    Sellers expresses strong views towards the destruction of nature, and portrayed in “North country” he stresses his views on preserving environment and how this has en neglected. He suggests that due to the introduction of technology, humans have become greedy and lost any care or concern towards the environment which may have been implemented in previous society. Not only does he stress the change of values amongst humans, but also how this has impacted on nature and that wildlife has been driven out of its natural habitat and left for dead.

    Through Sleepers strong images of death, destruction and struggle for life presented in “North Country” with his forceful philosophical views; the great extent of distinctiveness is revealed. Strong images of country life versus city life are highlighted in the poem “Wild Grapes”. “Wild Grapes” is a negative poem of regret, which compares the negligence and destruction of the environment and the traditions of country life. Distinctive images of country life are portrayed throughout the poem of what country life has resolved to.

    The current country life comprises of: “smoking air, full of sour marsh” which contributes to a dark melancholic tone, “grapes… Black, like boughs of musket-shot”, relating to bullets which are deadly, it’s emphasizing the negativity of hat has become of the orchard, “only grapes, but wild ones” suggests the loss of importance, whilst “wild” is referring to the bitterness of the grapes. “Kenneth Scales because of its SST Sleepers poetry is distinctive I and the serine of his subject! Metaphors and sound to high Sleepers philosophical evolve is “North Country” demonstrate by loggers.

    It’s a discovery of harsh and cruel takeover by t “When boughs at last relinquish The trees have been drained their own environment. This barren tone of the poem which Sellers expresses strong vine “North country” he stresses h been neglected, He suggests come greedy and lost any c have been implemented in pr values amongst humans, but Hess been driven out tot Its Nat Through Sleepers strong image in “North Country” with his of Strong Images of country life Grapes” “Wild Grapes” Is a negative destruction of the environment Distinctive images of country life has resolved to.

    The curer marsh” which contributes to k musket-shot”, relating to bully what has become of the orchid importance, whilst “wild” is RCA Sellers views country life as being something that has lost important values resulting in the destruction of the certain regret towards this negligence and of the past- he long gone pioneers. Through Sleepers strong images of a negligent country suggesting his powerful philosophical views; the great revealed. Images of decay are portrayed vividly in “North Count Sellers uses distinctive images of decay to portray ha This decay is due the repercussions of negligence for society. Blank and wretched” suggests the way in which “gaunt” describes the trees as being exhausted from t “dripping red with blood” is very dark and bitter in us nature has lost its life and the struggle to survive Indus Sellers views country life as being taken over by techno aloes behind to add to a final destruction. There is lack destruction of environment as technology is now of MO Through Sleepers strong images of decay in country life The concept of time, timelessness and the difference b life is evident in “Country Towns”. Country Towns” presents the peace and calm associate technology, and rather the positives of continuing the s Sellers uses images of continuity to portray the back life, without the influx of technology and its many fault musky sleep” suggests the impact of heat which has re unconcern. “With ‘1860’ over their doors” suggests the amount life, and “mysterious buggy wheels” infers that behind current technology times. Sellers views country life and the timelessness it bring sentimental that such a place can live without conform believes in the slow pace of life brings upon a friendly or reason to progress.

    Through Sleepers strong images of continuity and timelessness amongst society of the country towns portrayed in “North Country” with his forceful philosophical views; the great extent of distinctiveness is revealed. The use of poetic devices such as metaphor and personification are a distinctive eater of “sleep”. “Sleep” demonstrates that being in a state of sleep is the only place where one can be truly safe, and life is the negative aspect of bring born into the world, as the peace and calm associated with sleep in the womb is taken away.

    The personification of “blindly in bones that ride” and “remorseless forceps” allows the responder to relate to the connections of a child in its mothers womb. Furthermore the imagery of water “lave you with huger waves” suggests the cleansing of the child, “dissolved and bedded” describes the sinking affect of being Bamberger in water, and “ferry you to burial mysteriously” describes the floating of traveling along water; these all create a calming affect upon the responder, to relate more to being in a state of sleep.

    Sellers views sleep as being the only place where one can be safe and free of pain, as being in a sate of unconsciousness, the harshness of life seems to seize for the time being. In relation to a child in the womb, Sellers believes that the sleep achieved inside the womb is the paramount part of existence, as once born into the world life is a disappointment. Through Sleepers use of poetic devices personification and imagery in “Sleep” used to portray the gentleness and calm of sleep; his forceful philosophical views are exalted and the great extent of distinctiveness is revealed.

    Sound techniques (onomatopoeia) are used to involve the responder in Sleepers poetry. The poem “Beach Burial” uses sound to emphasis the subject. “Beach Burial’s” is a vivid emotive poem which describes the futility of war and the mourning it will result in. But also that regardless of being enemies on the war front, soldiers will unite themselves in the end to make peace. The onomatopoeia of “sob and clubbing of the gunfire” suggests the sounds which can be heard in the distance of the guns being fired, it allows for the emphasis on the sadness war brings to everyone and everything when the guns make a whimper.

    A gentle tone is used in the opening stanza “softly and humbly”, which is in contrast to the noise and commotion of war used to emphasis the fact that life is also filled with noise and commotion not Just in battle. Sellers views war as being a scene of unnecessary behavior, as war and conflict ultimately has no winner. He strongly believes that those who fought in wars should e remember and admired for their bravery and that great respect should be held for those responsible in burring the dead.

    He considers the deep regret as to being subject to witnessing the scenes of war, and the horror it brings with it. Through Sleepers use of sound techniques in “Beach Burial” used to portray the severity of war; his strong philosophical views are exalted and the great extent of Distinctive images and poetic devices are used extensively in Sleepers poetry. This allows the responder to see, hear and feel the important subject matters, views and opinions which the composer is trying to evoke.

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    Kenneth Slessor’s poetry is distinctive because of its strong Essay. (2018, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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