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    Junk Food Is A Favorite Essay (456 words)

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    Junk food is a favorite in this society. Fast food restaurants make it easier to grab food on the go. The greasier or sweeter food is the better. But junk food and sugary has caused many health problems. If there was a junk food tax, the government was target foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, foods that the main source is salt, energy drinks, caffeinated beverages and foods, and soft drinks with high sugar content.

    (Todorova, Elena 1.1-1.4) I believe adding taxes to junk food could help the decrease many health problem, but I will do more research before I make a decision. In America over 300,000 people are obese and that number continues to grow because the about of junk food that is being consumed. This cost the economy one hundred billion dollars. That more damage done than smoking or drinking.

    (Crowley, Michael 5) There are other health problems, such as heart diseases, chronic diseases, and type-two diabetes that occur because of junk food. Increasing the price of junk food, by adding tax, researchers hope that this will prod people to reject unhealthy foods. Taxes will also encourage a healthier lifestyle, even in low-income families (Franck, Caroline 2). The population that are hit the hardest are low-income families. The reason, junk food is cheaper than healthier foods which forces low-income families to buy unhealthy foods. This makes them have a higher risk of obesity.

    Taxes should encourage them to make better choose with choosing what foods to eat and improve their consumption behavior. As a result, low-income families will have long-term health benefits. (Franck, Caroline 15). Sugary beverages are also a problem in America. The intake of a sugar drink is ten percent to fifteen percent of a p. .

    e or slow the rise of obesity (8). There has been decline of junk food and soda sells but there is not any proof that taxes are the cause for it (6). A slow economic growth and a change in consumer’s behavior can cause a decline in soda and junk food sales. There has been an increase in dairy beverages and fruit juice sales and a decease in soda sales but consumers are still taking in the same amount of calories (7). Even if there was a tax on sodas and junk food consumer would consume the same amount of calories from other sources. So, taxes don’t effect a person’s lifestyle of health.

    In Conclusion, I believe that junk food tax should not be a law. After all the research, I believe that taxes will have no effect on the nation and how they change the way they eat. People will always find a way to consume food they want, regardless of the impact it may have on them.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Junk Food Is A Favorite Essay (456 words). (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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