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    Judith Beveridge s Poetry Essay

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    An inherent tension between nature and the material world is revealed in the Imagery of Judith Beverage’s poetry. Discuss the significance by referring to three poems. Judith Bridged poetry reveals an inherent tension between nature and the material world. She questions humans ability to understand and be connected to nature, examines humans destructive power over nature and demonstrates the changing nature of the world from natural to materialistic.

    This is represented in her poems, Mullah Bulla Beach, Fox In the Tree Stump and Streets of Chippendale. Judith Beverage’s poetry examines the ability of humans or the materialistic world to be interconnected with nature. In the poem Mullah Bulla Beach she examines a humans ability to be part of nature, particularly from an outsiders perspective. She states ” A new world to me, but familiar”, demonstrating how she can be related to nature.

    She also examines an Insiders perspective on the beach, in particular the fisherman, stating ” who are born hearing the sea always there” She examines how the fisherman have become part of the natural rhythm demonstrating how humans an be part of nature, and the tension between the material world and nature does not need to exist. She uses many similes to link humans or human objects to nature for example “Jellyfish clear as surgical gloves” and ” tide winded shells pacing quietly as shore runners”.

    These similes demonstrate how humans can not only understand but also be part of the natural rhythm. This Is also seen in Jujitsu’s poem, The Fox In a Tree Stump. Judith examines how the child feels a connection to the fox and Its innocent nature stating, ” Fox hairs of dust sweated In my palms” although, this injection does not overpower the fear of her uncle, so she kills the fox. This demonstrates that although humans may feel connected to nature although this does not prevent them from destroying aspects of nature.

    Judith Bridged examines the inherent tension between nature and the material world by examining a humans ability to understand nature. Judith examines the destructive power of humans towards nature, particularly in her poem, Fox in a Tree Stump. She demonstrates how humans often disregard and disrespect nature. This is exemplified in “He threw the charred body into a ditch”, mistreating the complete disregard for the fox’s life. Judith examines how humans will destroy nature despite any reluctance, ” leaving me with the smoke and the stick to beat the fox”.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Judith Beveridge s Poetry Essay. (2018, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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