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    Jude The Obscure Essay (403 words)

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    In life the role of a man has changed little in comparison to how much the roleof a women has changed. In Jude the Obscure the you explorer a wide variaty ofapplied feminen identities.

    With exagerated properties of the applicaitons, itshows the true rang of diversity in the role of women. Arabella was a radicalcharacter in the noval, and many of her actions were considered extreme for hertime. She left Jude while in wedlock and was illegally married to another manbefore she was properly divorced from Jude. She took on the role of the rebel,or one against social laws. Arabella was a symbol of sin, and shown to be as theunfit woman. The woman type of woman to be looked down on.

    The writer shows henegativity toward her by the way she is always shown unhappy. She was unhappywith jude so she left him. She found another man but there marriage was neverlegal or real, and as the book progressed she found that she really wanted to bewith Jude, who no longer wanted her for what she did to him. Thomas Hardy, theauthor, was trying to show that her rebel ideals were wrong and for her sins shewas punished with enduring unhappiness.

    Sue on the other hand was on the otherend of the spectrum. Sue was very odd, and she even consider herself abnormaland evil, yet represented a woman of virtue and honor. She was a very inteligentwoman, and very noble. She represented a woman of class and stature.

    She wasvery much desired by other men more for her complexity then anything else. Shewas a mistery to men and it generated a fierce interest in them. The mostinteresting fact being she would not let her virginty go. Men were left puzzledand confused.

    She did however have her negative aspects to her character. Shemarried a man, and then asked to him to live with another. Something like thatisn’t respected. She used the man she married for selfish reasons, which furtherexplains the another point Hardy was trying to make through Sue. He was makingthe point, women have a power over men, the power of seduction, and is oftenmiss used for selfish reasons.

    No one can stero type a woman because of theextreme contrast in behavior, and Hardy displayed this fact clearly in thisnoval. Hardy took to woman, and showed you two aspects of women’s nature thatclearly prove the diversity of woman themselves.Book Reports

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Jude The Obscure Essay (403 words). (2019, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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