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    John Locke Biography from Owen Carrillo

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    Mr. John Locke, a British philosopher, was the basis for experimental modern philosophy and political independence. He was, born August 29, 1632, and studied at the Westminster School in Wrington, Somerset, England, and then at the Church of Christ at Oxford University. he studied such things like medicine at Oxford University, which plays an important role in his life. He is a very influential philosopher who writes on topics such as political philosophy, the theory of education and education. Locke’s work helped establish modern Western philosophy. The philosophy and first doctor John Locke, whose profession has greatly influenced western philosophy, was born on August 29, 1632, in Wrington, Somerset, England. His father was a lawyer in the country, and the army served during the civil war in the United Kingdom. His parents were also heavy and they took Locke like that.

    Thanks to his father’s connection with the English government, Locke received an excellent education. She entered the Westminster School in London in 1647, where Locke gave honor as one of the royal scholars, the chance to be given a certain number of children. In the church of Christ perhaps the most popular school in Oxford, logic, metaphysics, and common languages. After graduating in 1656, two years later, he returned to the art teacher of the Christian church, which led Locke to consult with the college for only a few years. Locke was elected in 1668 as a member of the Royal Society. He graduated in 1674. Locke met with Ashley at the beginning of his medical research, which was the Earl Shaftesbury. They all turned to Ship and finally persuaded Locke to move to London to become his family doctor. As Shaftesbury grew, it was similar to the work of Locke. Helped in political and business affairs, Locke became his secretary after signing in Shaftesbury. The Bible cannot be underestimated, research, Shaftesbury’s influence on Locke’s career and his political ideas. As one of the founders of the Wigan party, which protects the constitutional government and rejects most of the story, Suzebury offers a comprehensive view of the government and government that Locke has not given to before.

    In the cult architecture of Locke, two intergovernmental agreements presented his revolutionary ideas about human rights and social treaties. These two concepts not only awakened the waves of England but also influenced the knowledge base that led to the subsequent American and French revolutions. When England was in the shadow of a possible revolution, Locke became the goal of the government. Although historical research showed that he was not involved in this incident, Locke England was forced to leave in 1683 because of the assassination of King Charles II and his brother, who was later called the conspiracy of the House of Paradise Locke into exile in the Netherlands and wrote “Abstract about human understanding ”, another fruitful intellectual work with four books. And take on the challenge of verifying human knowledge. Like its two articles, this article was published after Locke returned to England in 1688. After King James II returned to his homeland after the dramatic departure of King James II, he left the country and allowed the Whig party to come to power. This incident was called a glorious revolution in 1688 and forever changed the British government and shifted the balance of power from the throne to parliament. This made Locke the hero of many people in his hometown. Later in the series and after Locke’s return to the United Kingdom, in addition to his articles and two articles, other articles were published, including letters on the reasons for tolerance, Christianity and education.

    Locke is the hero of the Whig party and has been engaged in public affairs in recent years. He helped guide the revival of the chamber of commerce, responsible for the new territory of North America in England. Locke is a key member of the body. Locke was in poor health and died in Essex on October 28, 1704, where he spent the last decade of his life. Many years after his death, we continue to see his influence on Western thought and civilization. His theory of the separation of churches and states, religious liberty and freedom has not only influenced European thinkers such as the French Voltaire Enlightenment, but also Thomas Jefferson’s Alexander Jefferson, who thought of the founder of the United States.

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    John Locke Biography from Owen Carrillo. (2022, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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