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    Infosys Employee Survey on Job Satisfaction

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    The chief purpose of the survey is to find the occupation satisfaction of employees in Infosys. It includes finding assorted parametric quantities that influence occupation satisfaction and besides the present degree of satisfaction of the employees. To understand employees perceptual experiences about the occupation and come up with recommendations for the company to better the degree of occupation satisfaction. The method used to execute the survey was a Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of assorted subdivisions like personal inside informations.

    working conditions related inquiries. salary and publicity chances related inquiries. work relationships and accomplishments and abilities related inquiries and inquiries on function performed. The questionnaire was circulated in assorted undertaking squads at Infosys and besides the respondents belonged to assorted appellations. The findings were that employees at Infosys valued work relationships and healthy working conditions the most when it came to occupation satisfaction.

    Closely followed were salary. other benefits and chances to larn new accomplishments. Sing working conditions the employees were satisfied with the figure of hours spent at office. current location.

    ill and paid foliages but were dissatisfied with the flexibleness at the occupation. Sing salary and chances for publicity the employees were dissatisfied. nevertheless on the parametric quantities of occupation security. other benefits and acknowledgment for work the employees were satisfied.

    The consequences observed suggested that the company should look towards constructing a long term relationships with the employees by honoring the deserving employees and supplying them with the compensation that is as per industry criterions. Surveies should be conducted to understand what is most of import to the employees and where the company is missing in constructing a healthy relationship with its employees. Introduction:Importance of Job Satisfaction:Beyond the research literature and surveies. occupation satisfaction is besides of import in mundane life. Administrations have important effects on the people who work for them and some of those effects are reflected in how people feel about their work.

    This makes occupation satisfaction an issue of significant importance for both employers and employees. As many surveies suggest. employers benefit from satisfied employees as they are more likely to gain from lower staff turnover and higher productiveness if their employees see a high degree of occupation satisfaction. However.

    employees should besides ‘be happy in their work. given the sum of clip they have to give to it throughout their working lives’ ( Nguyen. Taylor and Bradley. 2003a ) . Investigated by several subjects such as psychological science. sociology.

    economic sciences and managementsciences. occupation satisfaction is a often studied topic in work and organisational literature. This is chiefly due to the fact that many experts believe that occupation satisfaction tendencies can affectlabor market behaviour and influence work productiveness. work attempt.

    employee absenteeism andstaff turnover. Furthermore. occupation satisfaction is considered a strong forecaster of overall individualwell-being. every bit good as a good forecaster of purposes or determinations of employees to go forth a occupation.
    Job satisfaction describes how content an person is with his or her occupation.

    There are a assortment of factors that can act upon a person’s degree of occupation satisfaction. Some of these factors include the degree of wage and benefits. the sensed equity to the publicity system within a company. the quality of the on the job conditions. leading and societal relationships and the occupation itself.

    Job satisfaction has besides been defined as a enjoyable emotional province ensuing from the assessment of one’s occupation ; an affectional reaction to one’s occupation ; and an attitude towards one’s occupation. Weiss ( 2002 ) has argued that occupation satisfaction is an attitude but points out that research workers should clearly separate the objects of cognitive rating which are affect ( emotion ) . beliefs and behaviours. This definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our occupations by taking into history our feelings.

    our beliefs. and our behavior. Job satisfaction can besides be defined every bit either as the overall or general occupation satisfaction of an employee or as the satisfaction with certain aspects of the occupation such as the work itself. coworkers. supervising.

    wage. working conditions. company policies. processs and chances for publicity ( Smith et al. .

    1969 ) . Based upon these two position points of occupation satisfaction. it may be steps either as the general or overall satisfaction of an employee with the occupation or it may be measured as the satisfaction of an employee with the assorted work aspects. For the present survey the former position of occupation satisfaction has adoptedAim OF STUDY:Soon the Indian IT and ITES industry has the largest abrasion rate as compared to otherindustries. Not merely the startup companies but besides the established companies have been happening it hard to retain employees. With the unprecedented roar in the IT industry the size of the industry has grown really large and with major IT participants using a immense figure of employees.

    it has become really of import to find the factors that influence occupation satisfaction in this industry and come up with steps that can take to higher degrees of satisfactions. Infosys being the for-runner of IT in India. this company was selected for the syudy.
    The survey focuses on analyzing the information and some tendencies in jab satisfaction. The aims of the survey include: 1. To find the parametric quantities that influence occupation satisfaction in Infosys.

    2. To find the present degree of satisfaction of the employees on parametric quantities identified. 3. To sketch the chief tendencies and correlativities sing occupation satisfaction in Infosys. 4.

    To find the committedness that the employees have for a long term calling with theorganization 5. To understand where the employees rate their organisation on the parametric quantities related tojob satisfaction. 6. To enlist the parametric quantities that the organisation can better upon and do related recommendations. ABOUT THE Company:Infosys was founded on 2 July 1981 by seven people viz. .

    N R Narayana Murthy. NandanNilekani. Kris Gopalakrishnan. S. D. Shibulal.

    K Dinesh and with N. S. Raghavan officially being the first employee of the company. Today. Infosys is a planetary leader in the “next generation” of IT and confer withing with grosss of US $ 6.

    604 billion ( LTM Q2-FY12 ) . Infosys defines designs and delivers technology-enabled concern solutions that help Global 2000 companies win in a Flat World. Infosys besides provides a complete scope of services by leveraging our sphere and concern expertness and strategic confederations with taking engineering suppliers.
    Infosys and its subordinates have 141. 822 employees as on September 30.

    2012. Infosys takes pride in constructing strategic long-run client relationships. 98. 5 % of its grosss come from bing clients. Infosys pioneered the Global Delivery Model ( GDM ) . which emerged as a riotous force in the industry taking to the rise of offshore outsourcing.

    The GDM is based on the rule of taking work to the location where the best endowment is available. where it makes the best economic sense. with the least sum of acceptable hazard. Infosys has a planetary footmark with 64 offices in 29 states and 65 development centres in US. India.

    China. Australia. the Czech Republic. Poland.

    the UK. Canada and Japan. In 1996. Infosys created the Infosys Foundation in the province of Karnataka. operating in the countries of wellness attention. societal rehabilitation and rural upheaval.

    instruction. humanistic disciplines and civilization. Since so. this foundation has spread to the Indian provinces of Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh. Maharashtra.

    Kerala. Orissa and Punjab. The Infosys Foundation is headed by Mrs. Sudha Murthy.

    married woman of Founder Cum Chief Mentor Narayana Murthy. REVIEW OF LITERATURE:One of the biggest preliminaries to the survey of occupation satisfaction was the Hawthorne surveies. These surveies ( 1924-1933 ) . chiefly credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School.

    sought to happen the effects of assorted conditions ( most notably light ) on workers’ productiveness. These surveies finally showed that fresh alterations in work conditions temporarily increase productiveness ( called the Hawthorne Effect ) . It was subsequently found that this addition resulted. non from the new conditions. but from the cognition of being observed. This determination provided strong grounds that people work for intents other than wage.

    which paved the manner for research workers to look into other factors in occupation satisfaction. Scientific direction besides had a important impact on the survey of occupation satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1911 book. Principles of Scientific Management. argued that there was a individual best manner to execute any given work undertaking.

    This book contributed to a alteration in industrial production doctrines. doing a displacement from skilled labor and piecework towards the more modern attack of assembly lines and hourly rewards. The initial usage of scientific direction by industries greatly increased productiveness because workers were forced to work at a faster gait.

    workers became dog-tired and disgruntled. therefore go forthing research workers with new inquiries to reply sing occupation satisfaction. It should besides be noted that the work of W. L.

    Bryan. Walter Dill Scott. and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for Taylor’s work. Some argue that Maslow’s hierarchy of demands theory. a motive theory.

    laid the foundation for occupation satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to fulfill five specific demands in life – physiological demands. safety demands. societal demands. self-esteem demands.

    and self-actualization. This theoretical account served as a good footing from which early research workers could develop occupation satisfaction theories. Job satisfaction as a important determiner of organisational committedness has been good documented in legion surveies ( Porter et al. . 1974 ; Mottaz.

    1987 ; Williams and Anderson. 1991 ; Vanderberg and Lance. 1992 ; Knoop. 1995 ; Young.

    Worchel and Woehr. 1998 ; Testa. 2001 ) . Overall the historical gulf between the concern line and the IT section is a cardinal subscriber to occupation dissatisfaction among package developers and accordingly to turnover purposes ( McEachern. 2001 ) . Rapid obsolescence of acquired cognition and accomplishments that characterizes IT has contributed to a head set in which altering occupations often viewed as a professional plus as opposed to a stigma or liability ( Hacker.

    RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:The followers are the methods and techniques adopted for aggregation of informations and for their analysis in this survey. Collection of informations and tabular matter: Datas used for this survey was from a secondary beginning. A individual with 3 old ages of working experience at Infosys and who is acquainted with the company’s policies and working conditions interviewed the people from the merchandise service and support sections and so moved to the merchandise development and selling divisions. A occupation satisfaction questionnaire consisting of 17 chief inquiries was drafted and circulated. The 17 inquiries were divided into following subdivisions:
    1. Personal inside informations2.

    Employment inside informations3. Work Condition inside informations4. Salary and publicity chances related inside informations5. Work relationships inside informations6. Work activities and function performed inside informations7.

    Use of accomplishments and abilities inside informations8. Rating the parametric quantities that determine occupation satisfaction9. Rating the organisation on assorted parametric quantities10. Committedness towards a long term calling with the company

    Editing. categorization and tabular matter of the fiscal informations collected from the above-named beginnings have been done as per the demand of the survey. Sample Population: 20 employeesJob Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire:1.

    Personal inside informations:I ) Nametwo ) Email Idthree ) Mobile Numberfour ) GenderV ) Age Category

    2. Employment inside informationsI ) Employment profiletwo ) Years Spent in the Organization

    3. Work Condition inside informationsPlease rate the following parametric quantities related to working conditions based onyour degree of satisfaction?

    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedNumber of hours workedeach hebdomadFlexibility in schedulingassigned undertakingsCurrent Location of workSick Leaves and paid holiday offered

    4. Salary and publicity chances related inside informationsPlease rate the following parametric quantities related to your wage and publicity potency based on your degree of satisfaction?VeryDissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedSalaryOpportunities for publicityOther Benefits( wellness insurance. lifeinsurance )Job SecurityRecognition toWork accomplished


    Work relationships inside informationsPlease rate the following parametric quantities related to your work relationships based on your degree of satisfaction?
    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedRelationshipswith your coworkersRelationships with your higher-upsRelationships with your subsidiariesOverall Team work within the section

    6. Work activities and function performed inside informationsPlease rate the following parametric quantities related to your work activities and function performed based on your degree of satisfaction?
    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedAssortment of JobDutiesDegree of Independence associated with the work functionAdequate chances toperiodic alterations in responsibilitiesFeedbackprocedure in topographic point

    7. Use of accomplishments and abilities inside informationsPlease rate the following parametric quantities related to your accomplishments and abilities based on your degree of satisfaction?
    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOpportunity to use your accomplishments and endowmentOpportunity to larn new accomplishmentsSupport for extrapreparation and instruction

    8. Rating the parametric quantities that determine occupation satisfactionRank5 Rank4Rank3Rank2Rank1Working ConditionssSalary and PromotionOpportunitiesWork RelationshipsWork activities and Role performedOpportunities to get new accomplishments andabilities


    Rating the organisation on assorted parametric quantitiesVeryPoorPoorAverageGoodVery GoodCaring aboutemployeesAttracting highquality employeesRetaining highquality employeesTeamwork acrosssectionsSupplying qualitymerchandises andservices

    10. Committedness towards a long term calling with the companyDegree of committednessPercentagesNot Committed at allSlightly committedNot CertainCommittedVery Committed

    DATA COLLECTION AND TABULATION:1. Job Satisfaction based on Work Conditionss:
    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedNumber of hours workedeach week04880Flexibility in schedulingassigned tasks28460Current Location of work022106Sick Leaves and paid holiday offered46280

    2. Job Satisfaction based on Salary and publicity chances related inside informations:VeryDissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedSalary081020Opportunities for promotion28460Other Benefits( wellness insurance. lifeinsurance ) 022142Job Security602120Recognition toWork accomplished244100

    3. Job Satisfaction based on Work relationships inside informations:VeryDissatisfied
    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedRelationshipswith your coworkers000146Relationships with your superiors082100Relationships with your subordinates006104Overall Team work within the department002162


    Job Satisfaction based on Work activities and function performed inside informations:VeryDissatisfied
    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedAssortment of JobResponsibilities020162Degree of Independence associated with the work role024122 Adequate chances toperiodic alterations in duties024140Feedbackprocedure in place064100

    5. Job Satisfaction based on Use of accomplishments and abilities inside informations:VeryDissatisfied
    DissatisfiedNeitherSatisfied norDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOpportunity to use your accomplishments and talent002162Opportunity to larn new skills204140Support for extrapreparation and education06284

    6. Rating the parametric quantities that determine occupation satisfaction:Rank5 Rank4Rank3Rank2Rank1Working Conditions28244Salary and PromotionOpportunities84620Work Relationships014600Work activities and Role performed104600Opportunities to get new accomplishments andabilities24068

    7. Rating the organisation on assorted parametric quantities:VeryPoorPoorAverageGoodVery GoodCaring aboutemployees04682Attracting highquality employees68420Retaining highquality employees66440Teamwork acrossdepartments026120Supplying qualitymerchandises andservices002144


    Committedness towards a long term calling with the company:Degree of committednessPercentagesNot Committed at all 10Slightly committed40Not Sure40Committed10Very Committed0

    GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE DATA:Findingss:?Job Satisfaction based on working conditions:With regard to figure of hours workedeach hebdomad. 40 % of the employees are satisfied whereas in instance of flexibleness in schedulingassigned undertaking. 40 % of the employees are dissatisfied. Similarly the current work locationassigned is satisfactory for 50 % of the employees. However the company needs to concentrate on its ill leave and paid foliages policy as it is non as per employee satisfaction.

    Therefore there is linearity satisfaction. dissatisfaction values Vs the figure of hours worked each hebdomad and flexibleness in scheduling. severally. ?Job Satisfaction based on salary and publicity chances: With regard to salary only10 % of the employees are satisfied whereas 40 % of the employees are dissatisfied and 50 % are neither satisfied nor disgruntled.

    In instance of publicity chances besides 30 % of the employees are satisfied and 40 % are dissatisfied and 20 % are neither satisfied nor disgruntled. With regard to Job security. other benefits and acknowledgment to work the satisfaction % are 70 % . 60 % and 50 % severally.

    ?Job Satisfaction based on work relationships:Here the company has done good topromote a healthy ambiance in the company with regard to co-ordination within theemployees. The satisfaction % in instance of relationship with colleagues. higher-ups and subordinatesis 70 % . 50 % and 50 % severally. With regard to squad work the satisfaction % is overpoweringly 80 % .

    ?Job Satisfaction based on use of accomplishments and abilities: Here. a important ( 80 % and 70 % ) part of employees believe that they have equal chances to use their skillsand abilities when at work. Whereas in instance of support for extra preparation andeducation. the satisfaction % is 40 % and hence there is a immense range for betterment inthis country. ?Job Satisfaction based on work activities and function performed: The important % ofemployees is satisfied with the activities they perform and with the function performed bythem. With regard to occupation duties 80 % of the employees and with respect toopportunities to periodic alterations in responsibilities 70 % are satisfied.

    However in instance of degreeof independency and feedback procedure in topographic point there is range for betterment for thecompany. ?Rating given to occupation satisfaction parametric quantities:From the evaluations given by the employees itcan be concluded that work activities. function performed and salary & A ; promotionopportunities are the most of import parametric quantities driving occupation satisfaction. Closelyfollowed are work relationships. working conditions and chances to larn new accomplishments in that order.
    ?Ratings given to organisation:From the evaluations it can be concluded that Infosys scoreswell when it comes to presenting quality merchandises and service and squad work across theorganization.

    However. the tonss are low in instance of pulling quality endowment and retaining the high quality employees. Besides 40 % of the employees agree that Infosys caresfor its employees and values them.
    ?Long term committedness:From the study it can detect that most of the employees arenot willing to prosecute a long term calling with the organisation.

    40 % of the employees aresomewhat committed whereas 40 % are non certain about the committedness. 10 % are non committed at all. Thus merely 10 % of the employees are committed for a long term calling.
    APPLICATION OF HERZERBERG’s TWO FACTOR THEORY OF MOTIVATION: Frederick Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory. besides called as motive hygiene theory proposes that intrinsic factors are related to occupation satisfaction.

    while extrinsic factors are associated with occupation dissatisfaction. It gives the information of when employees feel exceptionally good ( satisfied ) or bad ( dissatisfied ) about their occupation. This theory is applied to the obtained informations from Infosys and decisions are drawn about the company-employee relationship and how employees’ occupation satisfaction is affected by these parametric quantities. MOTIVATORSHYGEIN FACTORS•Current location of work•Other wage benefits•Job security•Recognition to work achievement•With coworkers•With subsidiaries•Overall squad work•Variety of occupation duties•Periodic alteration to responsibilities•Feedback procedure•Opportunity to utilize. larn accomplishments and talent•Salary•Promotion chances•Organizations attention for employees•Sick foliages and paid vaccation offered•Superiors•Opportunity for extra preparation and instruction

    Highly satisfiedNeutralExtremely DisgruntledFrom the above tabular array of consequences.

    one observes that the factors that determine whether there is dissatisfaction or no dissatisfaction are non portion of the work itself. but instead. are external factors Factors that lead to occupation satisfaction are separate and distinguishable from those that led to occupation dissatisfaction. At the same clip we could reason from the above tabular array that those motive factors which are absent. make non take to dissatisfaction.

    but lead to “no satisfaction” . At Infosys. incentive factors include those parametric quantities that change over life-time. These parametric quantities that give occupation satisfaction depend on the type of work assigned and the environment in which the work is accomplished.

    Meanwhile. the hygiene factors are related more with the company’s policies and regulations and ordinances. For illustration. at Infosys the figure of ill foliages granted to its employees is fixed and the company can non transcend the specified bound because of the of all time increasing work burden in the company. Similarly. Infosys does non let for many extra preparation chances as the growing within the company is fast and the employees upgrade to good place and take up different sorts of work.

    Infosys Directors have to extinguish these factors to maintain employees from being dissatisfied and non needfully actuate them. This theory influences how Infosys designs occupations today. Recommendation:1 ) Related to working conditions:• Improvement in paid and ill leave policy: Soon at Infosys employees are notprovided with separate ill foliages and hence in instance of any wellness related issuesthe employees have to give their paid foliages. So the present leave policyshould be amended to accommodate employee demands.

    • There is deficiency of flexibleness with regard to scheduling activities so the companyshould make the directors realize this and can integrate this in managerial preparation plans.
    2 ) Related to salary and publicity chances:•These are parametric quantities that lead to higher degree of occupation satisfaction and motive. So company should seasonably revisit its compensation construction so as to maintain it at parwith the industry criterions. This is besides of import from keeping of employees’point of position. •Company should come up with advanced ways to acknowledge the valuablecontributions made by the persons.

    3 ) Related to work relationships:•There is important sum of dissatisfaction that is observed when it comes torelationships with the higher-ups. So Infosys can set up for regular feedbacks been taken from the employees sing the relationship with superior andaccordingly take steps to better the relationship through preparation and otherteam edifice activities.
    4 ) Related to use of accomplishments and abilities:•Employees feel the demand for extra proficient preparation and instruction should beprovided to them along with their on-going work. This can be achieved byallowing the employees to undergo a specific figure of hours of developing sessionsand enfranchisement every one-fourth.

    5 ) Related to work activities and function performed:•Presently officially the feedback is provided merely during half annual appraisalcycles which the employees feel is really generic and the return off is really less. Sothe company should mandate one to one feedback been given to employees afterevery set of related activities so as the employees can cognize their countries ofimprovement and work on it.
    6 ) Other recommendations:•Infosys should take stairss to construct a long term association with the employees byunderstanding the demands and wants of the employees through assorted programsand studies. •Infosys should concentrate on pulling quality endowment and work on keeping ofemployees by supplying them with best intervention possible and perks whichmatch or are above industry criterions. The company should concentrate on qualitythan on Numberss.
    Decision:A major challenge faced by Infosys is.

    developing and keeping Organizationalbehavior and Job satisfaction. It is the involvement of all organisation to procure committedness and cut down employee turnover. So this subject has attracted the involvement of many research workers. Infosys directors need to do attempt to develop human resource policies that are in alliance to the demands and motive of its employees. The findings of this survey have pointed out some salient issues faced in the company like that of preparation. and instruction.

    relation with higher-ups. etc. . It is imperative for Infosys direction to run into the demands of their employees to beef up their motive.

    satisfaction. and committedness to minimise turnover.
    Mentions:1. Job Satisfaction Survey.

    Volume 3. Edition 5. Absolute Advantage. Published by WELCO ( Wellness Council of America ) . 2. Measuring occupation Satisfaction In Surveys- Comparative Analytical Report.

    3. Meyer. J. P. . Becker.

    T. E. . & A ; Vandenberghe.

    C. ( 2004 ) . Employee commitment andmotivation: A conceptual analysis and integrative theoretical account. Journal of Applied Psychology.

    89. 991-1007 4. Prasad L. M. ( 2002 ) .

    OrganizationalBehavior: New Delhi: Sultan Chand & A ; Sons Publishers. 5. Riaz. Adnan.

    . & A ; Ramay. Muhammad. ( 2010 ) . Ancestors of Job satisfaction-A survey oftelecom sector. Positions of Innovations.

    Economics and Business. Vol. 4. 66-73.

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    Infosys Employee Survey on Job Satisfaction. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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