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    Jeffrey Dahmer- Serial Killer Essay

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    Jeffrey Dahmer- “Serial Killer”

    When we look back at some”crimes of the century” some that should definately

    come to mind are the gruesome murders the late Jeffrey Dahmer performed.This

    mysterious serial killer, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal,probably accounted for

    one of the most famous cases in history.He seemed to kill for reasons no better then just

    lust and gratification.The serial killer knocked off 17 people over 13 years, all starting

    when he was just 18! He would lure his victims, usually young men, to his apartment

    with drugs, alcohol, and money. Dahmer went as far as to dismember and store body

    parts throughout his apartment after killing them.

    He would sometimes even eat these

    dismembered body parts.Some say he went so long without being caught because he

    chose the ever shiftingpopulation such as drifters and prostitutes who had no real

    identity.He did not kill acquaintances or lovers as many murderers did. When arrested

    in Milwaukee in 1991 Dahmer confessed to all 17 murders, and was sentenced to about

    900 years in prison.Dahmer was eventually bludgeoned to death himself in prison.

    Obviously, as the media fed off these sick murders,so many asked how could

    anyone possibly ever think of doing this?Where did this super evil side in Dahmer come

    from?Why did he get away with it for so long,? and Can weforesee something like this

    and prevent it?This is a guy who’s neighbor thought would be a good guy to have some

    beer and chips with over a football game.

    Jeffrey was not abused as a child, nor did he

    have a horrible background.He was born to a rather quiet graduate student at Marquette

    University, and his mother worked for a telephone company. He was a shy boy who, like

    other young boys,liked sweets and loved his dog.It seemed to be a rather ordinary,

    normal family, but things must have been taking there toll somewhere along the line.

    There were a few things that were a little strange that may have molded Jeffrey’s mind.

    The marriage was rough, the father was fairly distant and,Jeffrey and his brother were

    seen together but, it was stated in one article that they were never really close.

    Jeff did

    also show some scattered flashes of uncontrollable rage, but it was put off as a normal

    temper. There, however, no real red flag or tell tale signs he would turn out like this. To

    try to explain this person and his actions we will examine a number of theories out of John

    Curra’sUnderstanding Social Deviance.

    The first theory we will look at is the Control Theory or Bond Theory. This

    theory was developed by Hirschi and is probably the mostsignificant control theory.This

    particular thoery claims that a person is much less likely to be delinquent if they had ties to

    the conventional world(Curra 50-51).

    This theory absolutely corresponds with the

    actions of Jeffrey Dahmer.Hirschi pointed out four dimensions of the bond to society.

    These were : attachment, commitment, involvement, and beliefs(Curra 50).Attachment is

    when someone really cares for someone,like family, friends, or teachers and this person is

    far less likely to commit deviant acts.An example of this would be boys who were

    attached to a teacher or coach did not want to disappoint them by committing a deviant

    act.This is also true with boys attached or very close with their parents.

    Commitment is

    the level of investment one has in conformity.Someone who has a very high level is

    probably going to conform, while on the other hand those with a low level will not.

    Involvement has to do with being involved in conventinal behavior which, in turn, limits

    the persons shots of committing deviant acts.Being involved in school is an example

    here.This one reason dropouts have a higher delinquency rate. This is also where I think

    they get the idea that PAL (Police Athletic League) would be helpful to youths.


    Hirschi desc…..ribed beliefs.

    Here,it is believed that some people have a stronger belief then

    others that they should obey to society’s rules. In Jeffrey Dahmer’s case the attachment

    dimension of the Bond Theory definately was not present.As I stated before; his father

    was distant, and he was not even that close with his brother.The problems with these ties

    were likely linked with his crimes.Also under the attachment part I should mention that

    his parents got a divorce when he was eighteen, his mother moved out and left him living

    alone.This is when he committed his first murder on a 19 yr.

    old hitchhiker and scattered

    his .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Jeffrey Dahmer- Serial Killer Essay. (2019, Mar 05). Retrieved from

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