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    Interview on the Topic of What It Means to Be a Clinical Manager

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    For this interview, I chose to build a connection with a clinical manager at DaVita Dialysis center named Sandra. Through the interview I hoped to grasp the meaning of being in-charged of a facility where thousands depend on one to hold everything together. As I began to ask Sandra the questions I had for her, she provided me with informative answers that lead me to become knowledgeable of how the health care system works. In order to deeply comprehend what it means to be a clinical manager, I began to ask about the training to become a clinical manager, the main responsibility of being a clinical manager, and some of the many challenges she faces being a clinical manager. The Training In order to take on the position of a dialysis clinical manager, one will need a bachelor’s degree in nursing as well as state licensure as well as a year and half of clinical work, which means working as a nurse in a dialysis facility. The amount of years one will need to obtain a degree in nursing varies between four to five years depending on the individual.

    On top of the training, experience, and licensure, one needs many key skills to obtain this position. One will need to well critical-thinking, speaking, and organizational skills. There are many other skills that clinical managers need to obtain, such as patience and they need to have the ability to work with medical, database, time accounting, office suite, and spreadsheet software. Studies have shown, due to lack of training “Some were frustrated in their role due to increasing administrative workloads, without being able to delegate work effectively” (Spehar et al., 2012) individuals with limited training can become overwhelmed because of the huge responsibilities that come with the position. The training to be a clinical manager is extensive, but the difference one makes in the life of the patient’s, makes all of it worth it. The role of a Clinical Manager Job Description One who is a dialysis clinical manager is in charged to lead, motivate, inspire, and develop a team of strong, performers.

    The main job is for this particular individual to lead and pave the way for the staff members, as well as being a sense of counsel to each individual. Apart from being a leader, this individual makes the decision to hire and train staff members. A huge part of the job is costumer service, which means that clinical managers have to be able to exemplify the values of the dialysis center by creating relationships with each person that walks through the door whether it is a patient or family member of a patient. A clinical manager has to make sure the staff members are aware of patient’s conditions as well as providing answers to any concerns or questions the patient may have, puts together meetings for the staff members, evaluates the performance of each staff member while on the job, assembles the schedules for the staff members accordingly to how many staff members that are needed in the facility. To obtain the position of a clinical manager, one will need to acquire the basic characteristic, patience.

    The reason why one will need patience to be a clinical manager, is because the responsibility that comes along with the job can be an overwhelming amount that requires lots of time and dedication. When one takes on the responsibility of being a leader, the list of responsibilities continues on. Building Relationships A huge part of being a clinical manager is building relationships with your patients and their care-givers. Everyone in this position holds the responsibility of making each and every single individual that walks through the doors feel welcomed. During my interview with Sandra, she shared with me how important it is to welcome everyone because the dialysis center is where each patient spends most of their time and because of this she wants to make sure her patient knows that they’re not alone. She also shared that in order to assist her patients to the best of her ability the relationship she has with them makes a difference.

    Sandra builds relationship with her patients in hopes to serve them to the best of her ability. She believes that through a personal relationship one will be comfortable to disclose personal concerns, which will provide her with the opportunity to educate her patients on any of their concerns. The challenges in the health care system Through the interview, I asked Sandra what is the most frustrating part of her job was and she shared that waiting for approvals is the most frustrating part of her job. She went further in to detail about how when paperwork is sent her way, it needs to be done as soon as possible but without an approval, she will not be able to carry on with her work. She explained how the system works at her job, for instance when the insurance company contacts her and that paperwork states that it needs to be done STAT really means that the paperwork needed to be done before she actually received it.

    Sandra shared how this is such a challenge when it comes to making sure the insurance companies have everything they need. When insurance companies demand one to have the paperwork that was sent their way done right away it puts a lot of pressure on the individual. Before the interview, I had no idea how quickly insurance companies want the paperwork to be filled out and sent back. Proposition eight will place many patients in a difficult position because it close vast majority of dialysis clinics, which will lead to patients either dying or having to go to the hospital every time they need dialysis. Every patient needs to receive care on a regular basis because if their kidneys do not get the care they need it could lead to fatal situations.

    Through the interview, Sandra talked about how she will need to send her patients elsewhere because they will have to limit on machines as well as staff members. Proposition eight harms not only the patients, but the employees at the clinics. Sandra shared with me how if people vote yes on proposition eight, she will eventually have to fire most of her staff. Voting no on proposition eight is highly recommended because it puts the patient’s life at risk as well as eliminating job opportunities. What I learned during the interview Through the interview I took part in with Sandra I acquired a better sense of what it means to work in the health care industry. She shared with me how it can be overwhelming, but overall making a difference in the lives of those who come into her facility on a day to day basis makes what she does every day, worth it. It was brought to my attention how expensive dialysis treatment is for one who needs it every day. She shared with me the price of seeking treatment, which is anywhere between 150 to 200 dollars per week for those who have Medicare.

    So, for individuals without health insurance, the price to receive treatment is a lot more expensive. Another take away from my interview is how paperwork is needed as soon as possible. She shared with me how when she receives something she would have needed to send it to the insurance company STAT, which means right when she gets the paperwork, it needs to be done. Overall, through this interview I acquired a new understanding of the health care system as well as what it truly means to be a clinical manager. Clinical managers will make a huge impact on the health care system in the future because of how strong, intelligent, and well-trained they are. Each individual that chooses this career path will go on to change the way dialysis centers are taken care of as well as making sure each and every single person who needs dialysis to live receives the care they need.

    There are many roles that a clinical manager plays, for instance one has to be a strong leader in order to perform well as the tasks they are given. Each clinical manager needs to be empathetic, but strong-willed at the same time. An individual who takes on the responsibility of being a clinical manager needs to be willing to build a relationship with their patients in order to assist them as best as they possibly can. There are many challenges that a clinical manager faces while taking on their overwhelming amount of responsibilities. Sandra, a hard-working clinical manager provided me with informative answers, allowing me to develop a better understanding of the overall health care system as well as the role she plays in the dialysis facility.

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    Interview on the Topic of What It Means to Be a Clinical Manager. (2022, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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