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    Inspector Calls Essay Paper (705 words)

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    Gerald recognises her immediately and this gives it away that he knew a Daisy Renton: ‘(startled) what? ‘ This shows that he never knew anything about Eva Smith but he knew a Daisy Renton. Then Sheila notices that he know her and asks Gerald, Shelia: ‘Well, Gerald? (Trying to smile) How did you come to know this girl Daisy Renton… you gave yourself away as soon as he mentioned her other name. ‘ Eric ‘then all right I knew her. Let’s leave it at that’. This quote conveys that Gerald does not succeed to bury his secret from Sheila, that he knew a Daisy Renton.

    Sheila understands that Gerald was with Daisy Renton in the spring when he was too busy in the works (Croft ltd) to see her. Then the Inspector comes in and he ask Gerald and he tells the true story he says: ‘I met her sometime in March last year, in the stalls bar at the palace… It’s a favourite place for the women of the town’ This is when he meets Daisy Renton and he takes her out of there to the County Hotel. They talked and soon Gerald realises how pretty she was and he decided to keep her as his mistress in one of his friend’s rooms.

    He said he did it only because he ‘was sorry for her to see her without any money’. This conveys Gerald’s passion for her and that he did not want to put her down, living on the roads. She had no place to stay so Gerald gave her some money that will last to the end of the year. Mrs. Birling is the next to be inspected she passes the blames onto the young father, ‘First the girl herself… Secondly, I blame the young man who was the father of the child she was going to have’. ‘He’d be entirely responsible… certainly. And he ought to be dealt with very severely.

    ‘ These quotes show that Mrs. Birling passes the blame onto the father of the child and she was too self-centred to realise that there was the possibility that it could be her fault. And only when the inspector says he is waiting to do the duty that Mrs. Birling realises, that she had set something terrible up for Eric. The last person to be inspected was Eric. When the Inspector is finished he says that he is waiting for someone the Birling family look around and notice that he is waiting for Eric. Firstly the family don not believe that Eric was the one apart from Sheila.

    Eric enter and he says that he kept seeing her until she said she didn’t want to see him anymore because he said that the money he gave to her was stolen even though he tried to help her by giving her some money, ‘she’d no money left so I insisted on giving her enough money to keep her going until she refused to take any more’ she realised that it was stolen and did not take any more. Mr. Birling anxiously asked where he got the money from and when Eric replied he was furious, he makes sure that Eric pays him back for all the money he stole out of Mr. Birling’s office.

    This shows that he had passion for her and was trying to help her to live on. Priestley’s aim is to convey that everybody’s actions and decisions in life cannot only affect themselves but it can also affect other people as well. Priestley aim is to convey his play in a biased way to show why caring for other people is good and why people are wrong to always think about themselves. He makes Gerald a man who cares for everyone, even the poor hence he was passionate for Eva Smith/Daisy Renton. Priestley makes everyone else hate her and unfortunately make her die.

    Also Priestley has made Mr. Birling ignorant and after he finds out that the Inspector is fake he carries life like normal same with Mrs. Birling and Gerald. However Sheila and Eric feel awful that they cannot change their way and hope that they will not do this to anyone else.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Inspector Calls Essay Paper (705 words). (2017, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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