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    Informative Speech About Identity Theft Essay

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    Professor Daniel ShearsSPC 1024November 6th 2014General Purpose: to present an informative speech.Specific Purpose: to present an informative speech about identity theft.Introduction:1. Attention Getter: 7% of people 16 years or older were victims of identity theft in the year 2012 approximately 16.6 million people.

    (BJS) II. Motivation for Listening: Identity theft is becoming a major problem for consumers. Frank Abagnale now an American Security Consultant who has had a novel and a movie made after him after he had stolen the identities of an airline pilot, doctor, lawyer, and a US Bureau of Prison agent. He said that the police cannot protect consumers, people need to be more aware and educated about identity theft, you need to be a little wiser, smarter and yes skeptical at times, if you make it easy for someone to steal from you, someone will (Frank Abagnale). In 1998 Congress passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act to address the increasing problem of identity theft, which makes it a federal crime to “Knowingly transfer or use, without lawful authority a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable state or local law” (

    In a survey that was conducted by me at work out of 30 coworkers 18 were the victims of some form of identity theft.III. Thesis Statement: Identity Theft is rapidly becoming a national issue because anyone of us could be a victim of identity theft. How we protect our self, keep our information private, identify any signs of identity theft, and report and repair our credit is up to each one of us. We have to be vig. .

    d cases (DOJ). As consumers we have to be aware of how we manage our personal information, be cautious about whom we share our information with, and once your identity has been compromised taking the necessary steps to stop and repair whatever damage has been done.II. Throwback to Attention Getter: in the year 2012 7% of people 16 or older were the victim of identity theft, with the advancement of online medical record, banking, shopping the average consumer has to take charge of protecting their identity.Work CitedHarris, K. (2013, October).

    Medical Identity Theft Recommendations for the Age of Electronic Medical Records.


    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Informative Speech About Identity Theft Essay. (2019, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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