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    Improving Speaking Skill Using Media Video in English Student

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    The second from the journal article (Ru-Chu Shih,2010)” Blended learning using video-based blogs: Public speaking for English as a second language students” in the study explained Blended learning using video-based blogs: Public speak for English as a second language student.

    The research method used in the study by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data collected from these studies is the Blog Satisfaction Survey (BLSS), peer comments and instructors and feedback, and self-reflection of students analyzed using quantitative approach. Student interviews are also used for data analyzed using a qualitative approach.

    The study was conducted by a group of students from 44 English majors and consisted of 37 female students and seven male students. So, from the students or groups there were three male students and three female students who volunteered for the interview process. This study uses the analysis data with interviews. Based on the results of these studies are students really like the course to speak English in public by way of a mixed approach, because by using that method is more interesting, fun, more flexible to use and easy to adjust. Blended learning approaches according to students can help them and motivate them to learn to speak.

    From the third article journal (w.Wamebo, H. Hanapi, R. bugis, N, handayani: 2018) students speaking skill in oral descriptive text by using video at tenth grade in Namela 1 state high. This study uses videos to improve students’ speaking skills. In the researchers took a sample or population of tenth grade students in Namela 1 State High School.

    The researchers have a problem because many students who have a vocabulary that is less and shy, afraid to speak. The researcher used experimental design methods by using data from observation and post-test, pre-test and questionnaire. The researcher used the pre-test and post-test. in the study also tests were carried out as data from the study to measure progress and student learning outcomes. Questionnaires were a list of questions that must be answered by a group of people to get information.

    Collect data / information collected from students based on needs, interests, likes and dislikes about teaching learning process. The results obtained from research on improving the speaking skills are students after using experimental methods and collecting data by observation, questionnaire, or post-test, pre-test. Students become more literate and have the ability to talk about descriptive texts.

    Research Method

    The research is using experimental design in research on improving speaking skills using video media in English students. he experimental design is design or explain the variation of information below conditions hypothesized to reflect variations. The experimental design is explain by quantitative levels related variable.

    According to Hadi (1988: 56) it is experimental Design is a method for checking cause and effect. In the learning, the author is prepared or set up a communicative approach to student students talking wrong. For students who are examined to answer the speaking test The idea is related to Arikunto’s statement (1993: 67) that by using a experimental design, the examiner deliberately revised the appearance difference and then checked how the results.

    Population and Sample

    Population is a collection of all elements consisting of one or more interesting, where research is used, using the term deep change with the population can be in the form of groups of objects, objects to be investigated. Through or by way of being analyzed and included before the peak discovery applies to the entire population. According to (Schreiber & Asber-self, 2011), “the population in social science research refers to all of your potential participants; think of it as the whole group of people in which you are interested.

    The writer will take take from 11 English students. As a sample, researchers used videos to improve students’ speaking skills in English. This sampling technique by Sugiyono in Tahir (2011:73) was called by saturation sampling Technique or other term was cencus Sampling Technique which is a technique of determining if all members of the population sample used as a sample.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Improving Speaking Skill Using Media Video in English Student. (2021, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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