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    Importance of Education Essay (281 words)

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    Importance of Education BY checkmate What is education? Why do we need education in our lives? Like our great heroes said “Education is the most important in our life. ” A gift of knowledge that cannot be stolen and can bring you to the top of your dreams/ Education Is Important, specially to those who can’t afford to go to school because of their status In Life. We, the ones who are fortunate enough to get our education should give value and appreciation for it because it is the only treasure that our paving parents can give to us and education is the greatest treasure that can be achieved.

    Through education, one person’s knowledge can be enhanced. It’s like a seed on a fertile soil, that if the seed received enough sunlight, water and air, it will grow to a big tree that can give fresh fruits and shelter with clean air. In education, if you are willing to study in school, doing your homework, projects, and reading some smart stuffs, it will give knowledge to you and can bring you to the top of the world ND will help you reach your dreams.

    But if you don’t have education, you will end up like a sleeping shrimp In a running river, who Just following the dusking of the water wherever the river will lead you. Educating the people can help one’s country to grow. So while we are still young or for those who have children, let’s give importance to our education and give the best way that we can to have it. There’s no young and adults in education as long as you are reaching for it, It’s a goal.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Importance of Education Essay (281 words). (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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