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    Impacts On The American Revolution Essay

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    Many things contributed to the American Revolution besides the American people themselves. Some influential ideas that contributed to the Revolution are Enlightenment ideas. The Enlightenment thinkers behind these ideas are John Locke, and Voltaire. Economics also had I major impact on the American Revolution. Geography also played a major part the uprising of the American Revolution.

    There were many Enlightenment ideas that provoked the American colonists to start the American Revolution. John Locke was very influential with his ideas of consent of governed, and limited Monarchy. Voltaire also had great ideas which contribute to the American Revolution such as that the government should be run by Natural Law instead of Gods Law. In war time it is a proven fact that the British economy boasts just like in the French and Indian War. In the act of trade and navigation Britain forced the American colonies to trade only with English or ships heavily taxed by England. In 1764 Parliament passed a law saying sugar and molasses were to be tax, and paid in cash.

    This act was called the Sugar Act. To pay in cash was especially hard for colonist because they relied on the barter system. In 1765 Parliament passed another law were colonist had to pay taxes on official seals on legal papers, playing cards, and newspapers. This was called the Stamp Act. This was also to be paid in cash. In result of anger toward England for passing all these laws and acts the colonists organized, boycotting all of the things taxed by the Stamp Act.

    In 1774 the British punished the Massachusetts colony for there acts at the Boston Tea Party. The British moved the Capital to Salem. They closed Boston Harbor. England also sent 4000 troops to enforce these laws. In result of all this Americans set up the First Continental Congress.

    They decided to stop all trade with England and organized colonial militias. This was all ignored by England. The colonies in return set up the Continental Congress. The declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. After these events war was inevitable with England. Geography had a major effect on the start of the American Revolution.

    The Atlantic Ocean separated England and the American colonies, but still the British demanded control over the united states. The proclamation of 1763 was a Royal order to stop the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. The distance between the two made it especially hard for Britain to enforce their laws on the American colonies. To enforce their laws Britain sent soldiers to live in American colonists homes in 1765. This was called the Quartering Act.

    In the end Britain the strongest empire in the world ended up losing the Revolutionary War, and all of its land in America. Enlightenment thinking, economics, and geography all helped in some way toward an American victory. Enlightenment thinking help the American colonists to now what they want in a government. Economics such as taxation and the Quartering Act angered the American colonists, pushing them towards war. Geography made in hard for Britain to launch an attach on the Americans, leaving there incoming British troops vulnerable.

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    Impacts On The American Revolution Essay. (2019, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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