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    Impact Of Innovative Workplace Design Commerce Essay

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    dvanced workplace designs are widely implemented and considered by office users in the Netherlands. For this research the definition of advanced workplace design is stated as a smarter manner of ( cognition ) working by an built-in attack of FM, REM, HRM and ICT direction that stimulates place- and clip independent and activity-based working within a differentiated workplace environment and that transfers the manner of leading and employeeship.

    Advanced workplace design is strongly related to corporate existent estate. Place- and clip independent and activity-based working in a differentiated workplace environment alter the possibility for office intensification and bespeak more flexibleness. Research done by Gibson and Lizieri ( 1998 ; 2001 ) indicates that although advanced workplace designs are widely implemented in the British corporate sector, the impact on the corporate existent estate portfolios is non important. Advocates of advanced workplace design in the Netherlands, nevertheless, express that advanced workplace design causes smarter and better working, which causes in bend an addition in productiveness and important cost decreases by a decrease of the sum of concern infinite needed. This research therefore investigates the impact of advanced workplace designs on the demand en demands for corporate concern infinite on the Dutch existent estate market.

    In order to find this impact, literature and multiple instance survey research is conducted. The research first concerns drivers for altering the workplace design in combination with the historical context as a reaction of the corporate existent estate directors on altering demands from the administration. Parallel to this ‘demand side ‘ the supply side of the existent estate market is discussed refering market constructions, the current state of affairs on the Dutch existent estate market and cardinal participant response on the changing demands from the demand side. The impact of the key participant ( demand side ) and the corporate existent estate direction ( provide side ) response is influenced by internal and external constraining and supporting forces which eventually lead to the impact and effects for the demand and demands for corporate concern infinite.

    Since 2000 more and more office users are sing new advanced workplace designs driven by economical, societal and technological developments. Corporate existent estate directors are challenged to happen flexibleness in the physique environment which is inflexible in nature. Advanced workplace designs herald the demand for physical, functional and fiscal flexibleness in order to house the workplace construct successfully.

    In order to find the impact of advanced workplace design back uping and restraining forces are discussed. Remarkable are the differences and similarities between the findings from literature research and instance survey research. Internal supporting forces are considered as the aims of advanced workplace designs. In add-on, instance companies considered besides the possibility to utilize the workplace design to back up the concern and as a stigmatization tool. The internal constraining forces are singular similar, nevertheless, there are two chief differences sing the troubles to explicate the concern instance, instance companies considered the fiscal concern instance more as a back uping force, and the portion of forces that will be affected by advanced workplace designs. Case companies stated that each employee, alternatively of 15 per centum, will be affected but the extent to which each one can do usage of the provided installations is depending on their map and activities.

    External constraining forces are matching, with the lone disagreement that the instance companies considered ‘practical Dutch restraints ‘ such as the Working Conditions Regulation and Compliance

    ordinances. The 4th disagreement is observed at the external supporting forces. Literature findings considered chiefly the drive forces for alteration as external supporting forces, but lack societal developments such as sustainability and mobility which are mentioned by the conducted Dutch instance companies.

    Both literature survey and instance survey research considered the existent estate market as a constraining force for the execution of advanced workplace due to the institutional market construction, the conservativeness and laterality of the supply side on the market. Change is on the other manus happening. Market research demonstrated that the restraining force, due to the current economical downswing, is less strong as is stated in the literature. This consequences in the fact that investors and developers are more willing to construct and restitute belongingss in order to run into the demands of corporate clients, refering physical and functional facets, otherwise they are unable of sell or allow the belongingss. Financial flexibleness is, however, less discernible but non absent. The rental lengths have shortened over the last decennaries to 5 old ages in 2010 and there are a few other signifiers of fiscal flexibleness offered by the market such as multitenant edifices and services office infinite. Besides incentives such as contractual interruption points, rent reappraisal chances and establishment budgets are widespread and normally used by the market in order to pull office users.

    Literature- , market- and multiple instance survey research demonstrated that impact on the demand and demands for corporate concern infinite is clearly discernible on the Dutch existent estate market. Literature findings joint the impact in two signifiers: a decrease of the sum of concern infinite that is requested ; and a altering petition for concern infinite, based on physical, functional and fiscal flexibleness. Market research pointed out an important decrease of demand for concern infinite. Characteristic is the usage of advanced workplace designs as a antagonistic step against the economical downswing, in order to cut down the lodging costs. Besides in practise, as seen at the instance companies, the impact of advanced workplace design is established. Interpolis managed to cut down the sum of workplaces with 40 per centum so that in the new lodging state of affairs one office tower was sufficient alternatively of two. Besides KPN and Achmea tend to cut down the sum of square meters concern infinite and are able to cut down the sum of office locations.

    Not merely the demand for corporate concern infinite is diminishing by implementing advanced workplace designs, but besides the petition for another type of existent estate is pointed out.

    Physical facets such as big floor home bases with little grid dimensions which offer the possibility to divide and reconstitute the floor infinite, high degree of edifice services which support altering maps of infinites and the arrangements of columns, drama nowadays an of import function in the designing stage.

    Functional facets such as office layout, constructing design and the location of the belongings besides perchance alteration by the execution of advanced workplace design in order to make sustainable workplace designs with flexible workplaces to rapidly and efficaciously accommodate assorted future alterations demanded by corporate clients, and to run into the outgrowth of new engineering and the addition in concern competition.

    Based on this research can be concluded that the consequences from the research done on the British existent estate market, Gibson and Lizieri ( 1998 and 2001 ) , differ from the consequences from this research refering the Dutch existent estate market and that advanced workplace designs do hold and important impact on the demand and demands for corporate concern infinite, at least at the conducted instance companies and, as assumed, this is apparent for the whole Dutch existent estate market.


    Research on the British belongings market indicates that advanced workplace designs have been widely implemented in the corporate sector. More elaborate analysis, nevertheless, showed that the impact on the corporate existent estate portfolio is less important as frequently is asserted. Besides on the Dutch belongings market advanced workplace designs play an of import function. The research aim for this survey was to look into the impact of advanced workplace designs on the demand and demands for corporate concern infinite and what constraining and back uping forces do impact this impact on the Dutch existent estate market. Based on qualitative research, extended literature survey and multiple instance survey research have been conducted in order to find the impact on the Dutch existent estate market. Literature reappraisal and informations analysis provided a theoretical and practical model for interviews with FM, REM and HRM directors of three big insurance companies in the Netherlands.

    Literature research showed major possible impacts on the demand for corporate concern infinite including a decrease of the demand for square meters floor infinite, but besides a altering demand for physical, functional and fiscal flexibleness facets of the edifice. Multiple instance survey research supported these findings. Market research even stated that the debut of advanced workplace design is one of the most of import countermeasures, for corporate office users, to get the better of the economical downswing. Potential impacts from the literature are observed in pattern at the instance companies and existent estate market research besides detects an impact from corporate office users which implement advanced workplace designs. The decision of this research is hence, in contrary to findings from the U.K, that advanced workplace designs have a important impact on the demand for and demand of corporate concern infinite on the Dutch existent estate market.

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    Impact Of Innovative Workplace Design Commerce Essay. (2017, Jul 06). Retrieved from

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