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    If I could make his dream come true Essay

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    Now Jack is an old man of sixty five – a friend of mine and he is an invalid. Having been a child of two years he injured in a car accident and became paralyzed forever.

    It made a great pain for his young parents and then for him when he began to understand what kind of fate he has, but sitting in a wheel chair he continued his life.I don”t know – maybe he wold become a famous man, if he had his body healthy, or a hero.

    Sometimes he told me such words: “You know, Annie, If I would be healthy and this would happen many years ago – guess what I would do than? Oh, I would make all poor-health people healthy. And now you”ll ask – how could I do it? I would do it, my little friend, and no matter how, I would – I”m sure.”He has a passion, longing, he has such life strings that let him understand the beauty, kindness and love.

    Being an old man he remained a child of past days with a smile of a child, eyes of a child and with a child heart. I see him a once falling star around other simple ones whose spectacle anymore will be repeated. But now everything makes him think, realize what he had done and what he hadn”t done in this world of debts.Some days he remembers his childhood: “That was summer, trees were full of bright green leaves, birds were singing beautiful songs and little children of my age were playing, running, laughing…” – and every time he stopped on this words and I heard his silent weeping just like he was a child.He never said but I know – to get up from the wheel chair, to move and to walk by himself is his dream.

    I wish I could make his dream come true. And someday I believe it will happen, because there is a God over us, who sees and understands everything.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    If I could make his dream come true Essay. (2018, Jun 17). Retrieved from

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