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    I Want to Be a Veterinarian Essay

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    Have you ever wondered what you are going to be when you grow up and if it’s the best choice for you? I know I have. I know what I’m going to be when I grow up and why. I will be a veterinarian helping animals has always put a smile on my face. Even though it’s a dangerous job I still wish to have that career. One reason why being a veterinarian is a great career for me is the payment. A veterinarian gets at least 80,000 dollars a year. If I become a veterinarian I could easily support myself and a couple of pets.

    Another reason why being veterinarian is the right job for me is it has always been my dream to be one. Ever since I was little I loved animal shops and especially helping them, so be a veterinarian is the best job I could ever hope to have. Helping animals has always made me happy so should being a veterinarian. Although being a veterinarian is good paying and my dream job it is a dangerous job to have. Working with scared animals is very risky and if that animal can hurt you it probably will.

    Not only is an aggressive animal dangerous so I the illness it is carrying so animal illness like the swine flu is able to pass to humans so there is a possibility it could spread to me. No matter the danger the job must be done and I think there is more benefits to being a veterinarian than hazards. I know what I’m going to be when I grow up. I know there will be benefits and reasons why I shouldn’t have the career. I know that being a veterinarian has always been my dream job and it is a great paying job too.

    I will try my hardest to be a veterinarian and to follow my dream to help animals In need no matter the danger. Have you ever wondered what you are going to be when you grow up and if it’s the best choice for you? I know I have. I know what I’m going to be when I grow up and why. I will be a veterinarian helping animals has always put a smile on my face. Even though it’s a dangerous job I still wish to have that career. One reason why being a veterinarian is a great career for me is the payment. A veterinarian gets at least 80,000 dollars a year.

    If I become a veterinarian I could easily support myself and a couple of pets. Another reason why being veterinarian is the right job for me is it has always been my dream to be one. Ever since I was little I loved animal shops and especially helping them, so be a veterinarian is the best job I could ever hope to have. Helping animals has always made me happy so should being a veterinarian. Although being a veterinarian is good paying and my dream job it is a dangerous job to have. Working with scared animals is very risky and if that animal can hurt you it probably will.

    Not only is an aggressive animal dangerous so I the illness it is carrying so animal illness like the swine flu is able to pass to humans so there is a possibility it could spread to me. No matter the danger the job must be done and I think there is more benefits to being a veterinarian than hazards. I know what I’m going to be when I grow up. I know there will be benefits and reasons why I shouldn’t have the career. I know that being a veterinarian has always been my dream job and it is a great paying job too. I will try my hardest to be a veterinarian and to follow my dream to help animals In need no matter the danger.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    I Want to Be a Veterinarian Essay. (2018, Aug 04). Retrieved from

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