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    I Have a Dream MLK A speech summary Essay

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    On August 28, 1963 on the steps of Lincoln Memorial in Washington D. C. , one of the most profound civil rights Leaders recited a speech for all to live by. Martin Luther King Jr. was the man who made history that day in 1963, with the world-renowned speech I have a Dream. In the speech I have a Dream Dr.

    King discusses how the end of slavery did not mean the end of the Negro struggle. The Negro is still not free, says King. In the speech I have a Dream, King talks about the Constitution and the declaration of Independence and how they both promise that all men would be guaranteed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That was not the case for the Negro in 1963. Dr. King felt that we as Americans should stray away from segregation and racial injustice and gain brotherhood.

    King also wanted the nation to know that the Negro will not rest until their citizen rights had been granted. Dr. King had a dream and he was going to share that dream with all of America. Dr. King dreamed of a land where the Negro could vote and gain lodging at hotels. Where every citizen would receive justice.

    King wanted to see his children being judged by their charter and not the color of there skin, and to witness young black and white children holding hands. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a wonderful dream that all men would be created equal and that the glory of God shall be revealed. In this famous speech I have a Dream, Dr. King wanted all of America to know that the Negro struggle has not ended, but just begun.

    Dr. King wanted America to know exactly what the problems were and the non-violent way to resolve them. So that all men could truly be equal and live Dr. Kings American dream.

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    I Have a Dream MLK A speech summary Essay. (2019, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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