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    Holidays and Health: Tips to Take Care of the Heart

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    For several years researchers on the subject began to find an alarming trend in cardiac mortality as the time of good night, Christmas and New Year’s Eve approaches. Heart failure is a silent disease that advances hand in hand with obesity. New Year is known as a holiday in which the excesses that can be harmful to health prevail. It is estimated that there is a large percentage of the population that has Heart Failure, affecting mostly those who are 65 years of age or older.

    The heart is a muscle, so we must keep it healthy and operative so that it can function properly, without over-demanding it and thus avoiding its permanent wear that transforms into an irreversible Heart Failure (IC); one of the cardiovascular diseases that cause more mortality, disability and higher spending in western countries.

    December arrived and we were again on the eve of the holidays and the year-end. These are moments for the meeting between families and friends and a time to reflect on what happened in the last 12 months. Also, to think about the plans and projects that we have reserved for the year that begins. But beware, it is a month that is also associated with a greater number of heart attacks and cardiovascular death, so we must be alert. According to the reports, the increase in deaths due to cardiac reasons during the holiday season was greater and reached 33%.

    In 1994, the scientific journal “Circulation” was one of the pioneers in publishing an article in which they found, after studying the death rates of the last 30 years, that between the weeks of December 25 and January 7 in In the United States, the number of heart attacks and death after it was abnormally high, compared to other months of the year. This finding was called the ‘holiday effect.’

    To help you avoid this, we have prepared a guide so that this year you can start giving a better life to your heart.

    Fish: if you raise the consumption of white meats like fish, your heart will thank you. This protein is rich in omega 3 acids which greatly help your cardiovascular health and also in water, which cleans the arteries and allows you to have a healthy and strong heart.

    Vegetables: eating a good ration of vegetables daily benefits your cardiovascular health significantly, these significantly increase the levels of potassium and magnesium in the body, these supplements protect against heart rhythm disorders and at the same time reduce sodium intake, whose association with Hypertension is proven.

    Legumes: this food has slow absorption carbohydrates, controls glycemic indexes, as well as being rich in proteins, antioxidants, and fiber. Its main benefits are related to the control of obesity, diabetes, diverticulitis and colon cancer, as well as helping to reduce cholesterol levels.

    Small portions of nuts: we recommend you consume a small portion of these foods, with that small portion you will greatly benefit your heart. Nuts are rich in protein and easily absorbed minerals, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium.

    Whole grains: eating cereal daily, significantly decreases the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Its value as a cardiovascular ally is found in the bran, the husk that protects the cereal seed. Whole grains, not being refined, retain this part rich in fiber that slows down the absorption of sugars and helps lower LDL cholesterol levels.

    With the implementation of these foods, your heart will be healthy and strong, your arteries clean, your blood pressure will be controlled and you will be able to enjoy a happy, healthy life full of health and energy.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Holidays and Health: Tips to Take Care of the Heart. (2021, Mar 30). Retrieved from

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