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    My father was Henry VII the first Tudor king of England.

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    Henry VIIIName: My name is Henry Tudor, Duke of York, or as I am better known, Henry VIII. Parents Names: My father was none other than the great King Henry VII, who was sovereign of England from 1485 to 1509, My mother was Elizabeth of York.

    Brothers & Sisters: My eldest brother was Arthur, born in 1486, who married Catherine of Aragon. Margaret, my eldest sister was born in 1489 and married James IV of Scotland, and Mary, my younger sister was born in 1498 and married Louis XII in 1514. When & Where I Was Born: I was born on June 28th 1491 at the Royal Manor of Greenwich (England), where ships sailed down the Thames to the sea. How Old I Am Now: I am 17 years old presently, nine weeks and four days off my eighteenth birthday. Today my father has died, it is the 22nd April 1509. Occupation Of Parents: My mother was Lady Elizabeth of York, Henry VII’s wife.

    My father was Henry VII, King of England until his death in 1509. What I Look Like: They say I was a precious child, alert and observant. At 17 I inherited the throne that had been destined for my brother Arthur, I also inherited his widow Catherine. I am almost 200 centimetres tall with pink and white cheeks. My hair is auburn and I have the beginnings of a red beard.

    I tower over others, which helps with authority. I am clean-shaven, and my hair is combed short and straight in the French fashion. I have a round face. I keep myself trim at the moment with exercise. I enjoy shooting, singing, dancing, wrestling, casting of the bar, playing the recorder, flute and virginals, setting of songs, making ballads, hunting and hawking.

    I also like to live life to the full, enjoying gambling, eating and drinking with little restraint. ;nbsp;. DiaryDATE: June 11th, 1509King Henry VII’s death bed wish was for me to marry Catherine of Aragon – the princess who had been brought from Spain as the bride of my elder brother, Arthur, who had died earlier. Catherine had been betrothed to me after my brother’s death, on my twelfth birthday. It is six weeks now since my father’s death and Catherine and I married today very quickly in the Chapel of the Franciscan Observants at Greenwich.

    This will now enable my coronation, which is to take place on Midsummer’s Day, to be a double crowning of King and Queen. DATE: June 7th, 1520Oh! It was so meticulously organised at the Field of Cloth of Gold. Today, 7th June, after a number of days spent with Francis I, in some low-level diplomatic exchanges, our processions arrived on the field at precisely appointed hour. The trumpets sounded so very loudly.

    Francis I and myself spurred our horses forward to meet each other. Three times we embraced on horseback, we then dismounted, embraced again and vanished into the great golden pavilion where the summit meeting took place. Ostensibly the meeting was to dispel the old enmity between England and France, but the declared purpose was to give laws to Christendom. Two weeks of jousting and feasting will now take place, both of which I enjoy immensely. ;nbsp;DATE: April 21st, 1521I am passionately interested in theology and have only recently completed a book in staunch defense of the Universal Church and totally against the heresies of Martin Luther.

    Pope Leo was very pleased with the book and has today awarded me Defendsor Fidei’ that is Defender of the Faith. I am pleased with the award.  DATE: May 5th, 1527The negotiations of Eternal Peace have been difficult but finally successful. Today I have sworn to the treaties and to celebrate I have laid on one of the greatest court festivities even known. Today, Sunday 5th May 1527, after I have attended mass in the chapel at Greenwich I signed the treaties with France. On Monday 6th May there will be great public rejoicing.

    All day jousts will take place in the Greenwich tiltyard, then in the evening there will be a great banquet, followed by a masquerade and dancing until dawn. I am looking forward to these celebrations with great anticipation. DATE: July 6th, 1535Sir Thomas More was an old friend of mine

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    My father was Henry VII the first Tudor king of England.. (2019, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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