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    Hebrew Text and Fonts Essay (318 words)

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    Today’s written language is quickly becoming history.

    Just as the carvedtablet has become a conversation piece in the archeologist’s living room, thewritten language is quickly becoming as ancient as the dead sea scrolls. A new form of visual communication is taking over the entire world. Languages from across this widespread planet are now becoming more accessibleto ever culture. As the pen and pencil begin to disappear into the historybooks, keyboards and monitors are making it easier for people to communicate infast and effective ways.

    The Hebrew Language has always been mysterious and bastardized, composedof ancient Greek and Egyptian symbol derivatives. The language eventuallybecame independant, although it remains very mysterious, andis used mainly bythe Israelites. Hebrew writing has now taken a new form , a form of which theEnglish language has taken for many years. This new form called type is notnew by any means, however, up until a few years ago, it was impossible to find aHebrew Typeface on any word processing unite unless it was a specializedtypewriter made in Jerusalem. The new Hebrew type has now been transformedinto a computer compatible typeface found in two forms; script and print. Thescript form of the Hebrew type is equal to the commonly used italic form of theEnglish typeface.

    Hebrew print form is a more linear and boxy form of thehebrew lettering. The Hebrew fonts and word processing software is easily downloadable toanyone though access to the internet. These programs are not compatible withEnglish software but work on their own to allow for the ease of typing andprinting of Hebrew documents. They also allow for communication and access ofthe Hebrew language through the internet and e-mail.Through this new step we see that the written language has taken anotherstep forward in it’s evolution.Language has become more easily understoodby other cultures and has diminished the distance and the miscommunicationbetween what at times seems to be a completely different world.Category: Technology

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Hebrew Text and Fonts Essay (318 words). (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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