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    Hearts Prison Essay (370 words)

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    Looking through the wooden window, a view opens up and I see something that reminds me of memoirs deep inside my heart. I glimpse at that sapphire sky, crystal clear with no puffy, white clouds in sight. A warm spring breeze tickles my face, as I breathe in flower’s pollen scattered in the wind. I also catch an aroma of melting snow streaming down the mountains, carving its path through firm rocks; moreover it brings sorrow to my eyes. At the peak of the mountain I see white snow little by little thawing, giving up the fight against the perilous Sun, that helps us now, however can annihilate us all, too at any moment.

    It’s shining bright today, and it hurts my eyes just to glance at it, and I can hear her victorious mirth, carried by the gust of wind. I hear her words, enlightening me of how powerful she is, and how fragile we are, and how she can save us all from hunger, and make our lives end so miserably heartbreaking. There are no clouds right now to hide us from her hate, and love, they don’t give us any shade, any protection, we are at her mercy now. Even tallest mountains aren’t enough to hide us from Sun’s wrath.

    The mountains may not be high enough to keep Sun away from us, but they are tall enough to keep us from looking somewhere else. I see those gorgeous mountains, built in palaces from deep inside the ground, so elegant and stunning, the mountains so many strangers enjoy staring at. But I look down and I see paper buildings, the dried up grass, and everything else living and dying relentlessly around. Those mountains, they are trapping me inside a beautiful land, and they don’t let me look outside. I want to see what is beyond the mountains, I want to see the sea, but close up all the windows and the doors to the outside world. And every time I spot a window open, it closes it again, and buriers me with snow, that I could not escape. This view is beautiful it’s true, but it locked me inside in a prison, a prison of my heart.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Hearts Prison Essay (370 words). (2018, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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