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    Health Fitness Essay (384 words)

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    Health components evaluated in the test: flexibility (lower back and hamstrings). The first student is a fourteen-year-old female.

    After evaluating this student’s test, it is apparent that they are not exactly physically fit, but definitely not overweight. The one-mile walk/run proves that the student has had little or no exposure to cardiovascular/aerobic workouts. However, the sum of their skin fold test proves they are quite lean for their age. Their flexibility was good according to their sit and reach test scores, and the pull-up test showed that they meet the standard for their age. The second student is a fourteen-year-old male. Their one-mile walk/run shows that they are not in great physical condition.

    His skin fold test further explains his cardiovascular disappointment as he is overweight with a skin fold of 30. His flexibility is probably another factor of his weight. His sit and reach test was 20 cm, which is below the national standard. His sit-up test was right on the nose with the standards, proving he is probably an abdominal strong young man, but just the opposite in arm strength, not even reaching one pull-up.

    Also, this may be a factor of his weight.

    Monday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Tuesday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Wednesday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Thursday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Monday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Tuesday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Wednesday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Thursday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Monday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Tuesday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Wednesday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Thursday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Monday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Tuesday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Wednesday: Run 1 mile, lift weights (arms)

    Thursday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Monday: Run 2 miles, lift weights (arms)

    Tuesday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Wednesday: Run 2 miles, lift weights (arms)

    Thursday: Agility drills, lift weights (legs)

    Weights should be lifted at 60-70% of maximum for the first three weeks in order to gain strength. For the last three weeks, lift 40-50% of maximum in order to build endurance.

    High Knees: Do the long way of the gym, walk the short way.

    Butt Kicks: Do the long way of the gym, walk the short way.

    Grapevine: Do the long way of the gym, walk the short way.

    Power Skip: Do the long way of the gym, walk the short way.

    Bunny Hop: Do the long way of the gym, walk the short way.


    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Health Fitness Essay (384 words). (2019, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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