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    Halloween Essay

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    Halloween is the best holiday of the year, and should be more actively worshipped than all the rest of the holidays. This is because Halloween relieves people form the stress of everyday life, Halloween was originally a Wiccan holiday, and because on Halloween the television stations play all the good horror movies.

    Halloween is the best holiday of the year, because it allows people to escape the stress of their everyday lives by pretending to be someone else for one night, relaxing through disassociation. Also, psychologically the wearing of masks and make-up allows people to express themselves more freely, and to be themselves without feeling social or moral restraints, in effect breaking the boundaries of social taboo by taking on a different persona, your true self. Also, Halloween is the best holiday of the year, because it was originally a Wiccan holiday called Samhain, the wiccan new year, or the festival of Baccuss, the god of wine and revelry.

    This holiday promoted celebration through drinking alcohol and happiness for the year ended. Drinking alcohol has also been known to bring people more in touch with their feelings, and allowed them to express themselves and their desires more freely. Finally, Halloween is the best holiday of the year, because television stations play all the good horror movies. Horror movies tend to let people experience a long missed and long needed sense of fear, which consists of things like a racing of the heart, an increase of the senses, and an adrenaline rush response. This helps people to realize their own mortality, and to experience the long dead adrenaline rush response that reminds modern humans of their links to primitive man, and the ties of their roots to the animal world.

    Halloween allows people to escape the stress of their every-day lives, it was originally a wiccan holiday, and the television stations play all the good horror movies. This is why Halloween is the best holiday of the year, and why it should be more actively worshipped than all the rest of the holidays. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Halloween Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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