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    GMOs Are an Economically Important Component of the Biotechnology Industry

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    Genetically Modified Foods are made from animals, plants or other microorganisms whose genetic makeup has been modified in the laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology. But some foods are naturally genetically modified. Such as corn, soybean, canola, sugar beets and squash. The article from “DowArgo Sciences” states GMO’s are made from choosing a trait to insert. The scientist first chooses genes or DNA to put in the plant. Then they start cutting and pasting specific DNA sequences. They also add a gene to it that help them identify the modified genes, this process is also called a marker gene.

    Then they use a natural process to transfer genes where a gene is added to the delivery bacteria that is responsible to modify the plant’s genome, they transfer the genes without harming the plants. Then the plants go through a transformation where the bacteria has been equipped with desired genes and then the bacteria gets inserted in the developing seeds. The plant is allowed to grow normally and the seeds are harvested. Lastly, the plants go through selection where not all plants will have the selected gene and gene marker helps it identify the genetically modified plants with the desired traits.

    The article from the Library Of Congress talks about regulation of GMOs in the US is relatively favorable to their development. GMOs are an economically important component of the biotechnology industry, which now plays a significant role in the US economy. For example, the US is the world’s leading producer of genetically modified crops. For several crops grown in the US, genetically engineered varieties now make up the vast majority of the crop. Some foods are naturally genetically modified. Such as corn, soybean, canola, sugar beets and squash. Regulation of GMO’s in the United States is divided among three regulatory agencies: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is responsible when a crop is genetically engineered to carry a gene for a Bt toxin, EPA requires the developer to verify that the toxin is safe for the environment and conduct a food-safety analysis to ensure that the foreign protein is not allergenic.

    The second one is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is responsible for looking over the insertion of a transgene into a food crop that results in the expression of foreign proteins that is significantly different in structure, function, or quality from natural plant proteins and are potentially harmful to human health. Lastly, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates Genetically modified crop under the Plant Protection Act of 2000. The Act defines “plant pests” as organisms that cause disease, injury, or damage to plants or plant products, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasitic plants. Each of these agencies regulates transgenic crops from a different perspective.

    After seeing how the characters argued about the Genetically modified food I am convinced that they are not harmful to us. This project has changed the way I think and eat because I think that Biotechnology can make food healthier, giving lettuce a greater concentration of nutrients, reducing starch from potatoes and lowering saturated fats from cooking oil. I think Genetically modified foods are just misunderstood. They are known to be the best tools farmers have to help protect and preserve our water air and land and limit our climate change. They also improve air quality. GMOs benefit not just the environment but also our daily lives.

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    GMOs Are an Economically Important Component of the Biotechnology Industry. (2022, Nov 28). Retrieved from

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