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    Gerard Manley Hopkins poetry analysis Essay

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    Gerard’s parents influenced him to be whatever his heart led him too. Gerard was responsible and wanted to get his schooling out of the way. Since Gerard came from a religious family, he thought it was important to establish a rightful religion for himself. He converted to Roman Catholicism, and then joined the Jesuit Society. Although this dampered his poetry at first, it brought him closer to God. (Gardner, W. H. PG 53) Which is the main subject of all of his poems. After discovering that writing poems, and expressing yourself was not as selfish as it seems, Gerard took up his passion again.

    Thanks to Duns Scotus he pushed himself to further develop his skills. He spent a lot of time in Northern Wales were he developed his world renowned theory of “Sprung Rhythm. ” The language of the people in Wales truly intrigued him. He loved the natural sound and beat of their voices. This is basically the idea behind Sprung Rhythm. Gerard’s careers were centered on his religion. He taught at first, and then became priest. And although this was enough to please many, it did not complete him. Perhaps because his true passion was not what he was known for?

    None of his poems were published during his lifetime. The only person who saw what an artist Hopkins truly was was his friend Robert Bridges. Robert saved all of Gerard’s poems, seeing how great they really were. The people of the Victorian times were practical and snobby, perhaps the reason they did not respond to his poetry. (The World Book PG 333) He wrote about what people were afraid to say themselves. Two very insightful poems written by Gerard Manley Hopkins, include, “Pied Beauty” and “Gods Grandeur” Each of these poems reflect Gerard’s feelings for God.

    In “Gods Grandeur” he is talking about the true strength of God, and how people underestimate him. Gerard feels that people no longer fear God, and take religion for granted. In one line he describes how people separate themselves from God by not even walking on the earth he created for them. “The soil is bare now, nor can foot feel. ” Instead of waking with bare feet, people wear shoes. He also describes God’s wrath as a thunderbolt. “Why do men then now wreck his rod? ” In the first few lines of the poem he also talks about how electric God is, using metaphors about electricity.

    In the “Pied Beauty” Gerard admires all things great and small that God has created. In the poem he makes an apology for all the people who ignore the intricacy of all the worlds creations. “Glory be to God for Dappled things. ” (www. scholars. nus. edu. sg/landow/victorian/authors/hopkins) The poem also includes common quotes found in his following of the Jesuits. “To the greater glory of God, and praise to God always. ” In conclusion, Gerard Manley Hopkins may not have been the crowd pleaser that he had once wanted to be. But he led a life true to himself.

    He did not follow other people, or change his ways for someone else. He had extreme faith in God, and made sacrifices to please. Gerard also came to the revelation that it is O. K. to do something for yourself. Responsible for the theory of inscape, he allowed himself to indulge in his passion of poetry. He was not honored as a poet during his lifetime. Thanks to a good friend of his, his poetry now gets the attention it deserves. Gerard had his ups and downs in his life. Not being able to find a piece of mind on certain occasions. In the end, he died a complete person. His last words being “I am happy, so happy. “

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    Gerard Manley Hopkins poetry analysis Essay. (2017, Dec 25). Retrieved from

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