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    George Wells Essay (975 words)

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    Amanda SullivanHerbert George Wells was born in 1866, in Bromley Kent.

    He was born into a poor family. His career as an author was fostered by an unfortunate accident as a child. He broke both of his legs and spent the mandatory rest period reading every book he could find. Wells was awarded a school scholarship and furthered his education at the normal school of science in London (discovering authors). It was at the normal school that Wells came under the wing of the famous biologist Thomas H Huxley.

    Wells was clearly influenced by his studies at the normal school and his interest in Biology (geocities. com). After graduating Wells wrote a biology test book and began submitting fiction to various magazines. Wellss critical and popular reputation rests primarily on his early work of science fiction. H G Wells gained fame with his first major work The Time Machine in 1895.

    Soon after the publication of this book, Wells followed with The Island of Dr. Moreau in 1985, The invisible man in 1897, and perhaps his most famous work The war of the worlds in 1898. (Science fiction stories) . These works were enormously popular at the time they appeared, most of them are acknowledged classics of the genre witch continued to be widely read and adapted into the other media (gale research). Wellss science fiction is also noted for its sophisticated,satire of the authors own culture and times (geocitites.

    com). Over the years Wells became concerned with the fate of human society in a world where technology and scientific study were advancing at a rapid pace. For a period of time he was a member of the Fabian Society, which was a group of social philosophers in London (geocities. com). Wellss later works became less science fiction and more social critique.

    The accuracy of the science in His works has often been called into question. It is rumored that Wells and the French novelist Jules Verne actually criticized each others writings. Wells believed that Verne couldnt write his was out of a paper sack, and Verne accused Wells of having Scientifically implausible ideas (geocities. com).

    The science may not be accurate, but the adventure and philosophy in his book makes Wellss early science fiction fun and fascinating to read. Wells is best known as one of the progenitors of modern science fiction. His pioneering works in this genre foretold such development as chemical warfare, atomic weapons, and world wars (geocities. com).

    The time machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The invisible man, and The war of the worlds, are classics that have profoundly influenced the course of the twentieth-century science fiction. Although Wellss science fiction is informed by a vision in speculative nonfiction works such as, The world set free (1914), The outline of history (1919-20), The shape of things to come (1933), and Guide to the new world (1941), he developed an optimistic ideal of a utopian millennium (discovering authors). As a polemicist, Wellss advocacy of free love and socialism, as wells as his attacks on what he considered the stifling moral constraints of Victorian Society, contributed to the liberalization of modern Western cultures (discovering authors).

    Although Wellss character novels are considered lacking in psychological subtlety and do not possess the skilled construction of his science fiction novels, they are commended for the humor and sympathy that they display. Two of his novels were Kipps: The story of a simple soul (1905) and The theory of Mr. Polly (1910) were considered among the finest English comic novels of all time (geocities. com)Wells is regarded as on of the most prominent champions of the early twentieth-century spirit of the British liberal optimism (gale research).

    His works are ranked with those of Bernard Shaw as exemplary of his eras exuberant sense of release from Victorian conventions, morals, and of unbridled confidence in the benefits that would derive from scientific progress (gale research). The continued popularity of his books, the tremendous body of criticism devoted to them, and the liberalizing effect that much of his work had western thought combine to make Wells a major figure of modern literature (gale research). One of Herbert George Wellss novels was The Invisible Man. It was one of his most famous works. The theme to the novel is Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely (yahoo.

    com). A once sensible scientist is engulfed by the power he feels when unseen, and this power mongering eventually leads into insanity (yahoo. com). The story begins with a mysterious man arriving at a rural English inn during a cold, stormy night. In a small English town it is strange for someone to go vacationing in winter but not as strange as the fact that the mans face is completely covered with bandages (yahoo.

    com). This, of course, sets the small town to gossip. Eventually the innkeeper decides to evict the man because of violent episodes in which he breaks up the furniture. The Invisible Man reveals his secret and escapes unseen by anyone. The Invisible man was on the run for a few days, startling everyone he comes in contact with, and getting a great deal of enjoyment out of it. This is largely to do with the fact that the process that made him invisible is slowly making him crazy (yahoo.

    com). He eventually finds an old friend, Dr. Kemp and stays with him. During this time the Invisible man explains his story so far. Kemp decides to turn him to the authorities.

    The Invisible Man tries to kill Kemp, then the police arrive and eventually kill The Invisible Man (yahoo. com). This was a popular novel because it had a lot of meaning. After this novel H G Wells wrote a few more novels. Herbert George Wells was known for his fantastic writings. He was born September 21,1986 and passed away August 13,1946.

    His writings will be forever remembered.Words/ Pages : 965 / 24

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