Today there is not a person in the United States is familiarwith Dolly the lamb. She is one of the many new advances madein genetic engineering.
Genetic testing is being done all over theworld and scientists are all after the same goal. Tremendousamount of funds have been spent to help researchers reach theirgoal in genetic engineering. It is now being forested thatgenetically ailing diseases could be wiped out along with famineand partial poverty. Genetic engineering may be able to help curediseases and suffering, but there are drawbacks to it that we mustThe whole idea behind genetic testing came from scientists.
Although we have all heard of the scientist who goes mad in hislaboratory. Lets be real though genetic testing already has playeda role in many peoples lives. This new form of genetic testing coldpossibly begin saving future family generations. If the gene couldbe found to prevent terminal illness in future generations manylives would be saved and who wouldnt want that. Carol Krause,a former cancer survivor, and medical journalist who states Ilive in horror that I might have passed this on to my ten year oldson(202). This form of genetic testing could help from preventingso many radical forms of treatment such as Chemotherapy.
Thiscould help families see the potential that this is only one ofpossibilities that genetic engineering will have to offer. Genetic testing on the human genome could solve part of themystery of life. With careful study of the human genome scientistscould begin to understand why we work and operate the way wedo. Looking carefully at the genome scientists could begin to seenew medical insights which could lead to new forms of treatmentsfor patients as well as diagnosis.
With this study undergoinggenetic testing could reveal an extensive amount of informationabout a patient. This form of testing could let a patient knowwhether or not he or she is prone to alcoholism. Also it could letsomeone know if they posses a gene for cancer or any otherterminal illness. Not only will this form of testing demonstratewhat the patient may carry it will give them an option to addmodification it.
As the Economist, a British weekly magazine, putsit Knowing thyself is not always a comfortable process. But it isbetter than ignorance(224). So is it better to know that youmight get a disease or not? I suppose it depends on the individual. The testing could let a couple know whether not to want to havechildren based on the results. If the child was for sure going toget a brain disease at a young age then the parents may chooseGenetic engineering isnt all glamour.
There are many formsof genetic engineering. People must look into moral and religiousaspects of this. In my own personal religion most of the genetictesting methods would be frowned upon considered immoral andagainst Gods plan. You must wonder if all the power andadvances is actually worth it. What is to happen if geneticengineering gets out of hand. Life doesnt have a rewind buttonand cant be simply taken back.
If the testing gets out of controlwhere will that leave all the innocent by standers. When and whois to say enough is enough. The one must wonder how arescientists going to find volunteers to do research. They wont,instead they will use animals as a tool guide.
Andrew Kimbrellpublished a paper The Animals Agenda in it he announcedUnfortunately, too many scientists and corporations and thefederal government continue to ignore the animal suffering andthe ethical questions that surround the genetic engineering ofanimals(184). This is a cruel and inhumane way to treat a livinga creature. Why exactly are all these tests even being performed? Ruth Hubbard, a professor at Harvard and Elijah Wald freelancewriter refutes in their paper Genetic Testing Threatens Society: Despitethe complexities revealed by current research, molecular biologistshave been increasingly successful in persuading society at largethat ill health should, and can, be viewed as primarily a geneticproblem(193). If health care facilities find it a problem then willthat allow health care to be denied? Genetic testing does have itsThere will not be any easy form of agreement when it comesto genetic engineering. There will always be the benefits on onehand and the drawbacks on the other.
Hopefully, we will beginto see advances in technology because as of right .