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    Genetically Modified Food Should Be Labeled Properly to Ensure Public Trust

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    Genetically modified food is commonly available in the USA, but it has been seen with suspicion by the people in Europe. To be able to meet the increasing food requirements of a developing world population, science found out the method of genetically modifying plants to increase crop yield and create greater and durable varieties of crops and fruits.

    Most genetically modified plants are used for medication, and food ingredients, feeds and fibers. Polemics surrounding G.M foods and crops frequently concentration on human and environmental safety, labelling and customer choice, food security, poverty reduction and preservation.

    Some people concern this technology as possibly harmful to human health because we do not know enough about the ways genes operate and interact to be sure of what the outcome of any modification will be. They worry that modifications could accidentally lead to substances that are toxic or cause some type of skin reactions.

    So can we trust what we eat? All products in the U.S, are controlled by a system of regulation which should guarantee safety and consumer confidence. These regulations set standards that must be obey. Testing procedures are intended to pick up problems before products get to the marketplace. When someone gets sick as a result of eating some type of food, it is typically because of poor preparation somewhere along the line.

    BSE/CJD, (Known also as mad cow disease) is a very good example of this: the rendering industries approved unproductive processes and failed to get rid of specified meat products from the human food chain. Remember that we as consumers also have some responsibilities. One of the many reasons food poisoning cases have increased significantly in recent years is because we have failed to store and make food correctly in our own kitchens.

    How do I know what I am eating? The UK Government, together with industry, is trying to start making better labelling of food- so that people know exactly what they are buying in a supermarket or restaurant. The current rules state that GM food has to be labelled unless “neither protein nor DNA resulting from genetic modification is present.” In simple terms, this means the following: if a crop was improved to alter the composition of a food ingredient, for example starch or oil, then the food will have to be labelled GM DNA. The GM labelling rules ought to satisfy those who wish to exercise a choice based on any perceived health threat, however the rules will not satisfy those who object to GM foods on ethical or religious grounds.

    The Government has also promised a Food Standards Agency. The link between food condiments and GM foods ate the safety concerns for human beings; there is a lack of evidence with regards to toxicities and possible allergies. There are also valid concerns for correct labelling both for GM food and food condiments, people need to be able to make choices based on the information is available via labels, food agencies and advertising.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Genetically Modified Food Should Be Labeled Properly to Ensure Public Trust. (2022, Nov 28). Retrieved from

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