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    GCSE Coursework – Romeo and Juliet coursework Essay

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    Love and hate are the two main themes in this play. These two themes are the complete opposite to each other. This will make it a lot easier two compare and contrast. The way these two themes are used helps to make this a more interesting story as it allows for two different plots. For example Romeo and Juliet’s love plot and the hate plot of the fighting of the two families. Also some of these scenes have both of the themes at the same time for example the Capulet party where it skips from the love of Romeo and Juliet and the hatred from Tybalt.

    There are two characters that are used to epitomize love and hate. These are Tybalt and Romeo. This is so that we can see a major contrast between the two personalities. We can see this difference in the way they speak. For example Romeo (the love character) uses his hyperbole to describe how beautiful Juliet is ‘she doth teach the torches to burn bright’, ‘a snowy dove trooping with crows’ this shows that he think she is so beautiful that she stands out from the rest of the crowd. However the use of speech is much different for Tybalt (the hate character) as he used in a way his own hyperbole to describe Romeos intrusion of the party. He says ‘this is a Montague our foe’, ‘that villain Romeo’ and ‘I’ll not endure him.’ This shows he has nothing but hatred for Romeo.

    Also in the same scene (Act 1 Scene 5) it highlights the conflict caused between love and hate. This is the scene where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time and fall in love with each other but also where Tybalt swears revenge on Romeo for intruding on the party. So this conflict is a result of the love Romeo had for a Capulet. Also this scene is the start of the story. This is because if Romeo and Juliet hadn’t fallen in love then there would be no story and also because if Tybalt hadn’t of discovered about Romeos intrusion then he wouldn’t have sworn revenge therefore he would not have a real reason to try and kill him and would not end up killing Mercutio and he would not get killed

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    GCSE Coursework – Romeo and Juliet coursework Essay. (2017, Oct 26). Retrieved from

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