Movie called GATTACA was actually a very good movie. Even though I have a very bad memory, I still can remember it after two or three months after I watched it. The movie has a very good plot story which I think was very hard to come up with. Scientific content in this movie plays a major role not only because it is so strange, but also because scientists now already working on genetic engineering and it is pretty much possible that very soon this movies main idea will come true.
Although it is very scary that someone can predict all your defects, physical abilities, and even approximate expectancy, it is very interesting, Main character in GATTACA is a man who was weak all his life,always trying to be better than his much younger brother, who was always an embarrassment to his parents, who couldn’t get a good job because computer, when he was born, said that he isnt good enough. He had a dream. He wanted to go to outer space. So he went from floor scrubbing to technician, he faked blood, his finger prints just to get that job.
And bypassing lots of traps he finally did. At the end of the movie he competed with his brother in swimming, and won even though he never could. He finally went to outer space and has achieved his highest goal. My review was not very complete, but in this movie there were lots of things that are fiction, not out yet which makes it a very good science fiction story. I think that may be what it was possible for them to change was the way main character reacted to those things that stopped him from reaching his goal. I think that he was very shy and that is why it took him so long to complete his task.
He was always very scared and I think attracted others attention. But this is only my opinion. The scientific content in this story was very entertaining. So many new things that future brought us. People no longer seems having fun, but more like it was the world where everyone new his or her own place, and job and just tried to accomplish it as clever as possible.
People dress like an old times. Black, white, gray costumes for man, dresses for women. I do not remember any color that sticks out in clothing. And it was very scary forme when a child was just born, and already it was on computer that he will die approximately at age forty-seven. One of the new things was that when you have to enter the building you work in, you have to pass a blood test to prove that you are really you and not somebody else.
Main character in this story had to get up very early in the morning everyday to wash himself with rocks so he wouldn’t lose any skin at his workstation, checked for any lose hair, and so on. Personally, I do not believe that something like this will happen in future. There may be a computer that states everything about me at my birth, but I don’t think that companies will be able to see this kind of information. Ithink it will be my personal information, and I will have a right to show it to somebody if I want to or can keep it to myself.
When the movie started, it was a little boring, but once you understood what it is about, you will watch it with interest till the end. I think that people must see this movie because it shows you how life in future may be. By Alex Potok. .