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    Gattaca: They Dont Care Where You Were Born, Just How

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    Gattaca “They don’t care where you were born, just how”

    The film Gattaca, by Andrew Niccol, presents a story centered on the future prospects of genetic engineering and its controversial affects on human society. The film depicts a future, in which wealthy families can create perfected children, a factor that has divided Gattaca’s society into different classes based on genetic traits. Andrew Niccol, who wrote and directed Gattaca, was aiming to break in to the movie world. It follows the life story of Vincent Freeman and his ambition to become a Navigator astronaut at Gattaca, the Space Corporation.

    Vincent Freeman was a love child (conceived naturally) in a world that was founded on genetic engineering. Vincent’s bother, Anton, unlike himself was genetically modified and Anton was favoured oven Vincent because to Vincent’s father, Antonio, Anton was the perfect son, as Vincent had physical defects, such as needing to wear glasses, and having a heart disease that would cut his life span shorter. His father didn’t think Vincent was worthy of the name Anton because he had too many defects. Though out Vincent and Anton’s life Vincent was always treated unfairly, like when his parents tried to enrol him in kindergarten they wouldn’t accept him because they couldn’t insure him and they wouldn’t take the chance on his weakness. When Anton discovers that Vincent’s wants to be an astronaut he would always rub it in that he could be one if he wanted.

    Vincent never got any support from his father either, he was discouraged from the very start and his father used to say things like. “The only time you’ll see the inside of a spaceship is if you were cleaning it” .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gattaca: They Dont Care Where You Were Born, Just How. (2019, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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