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Essay Examples

Blade Runner Essay (1222 words)

Blade Runner

Words: 1222 (5 pages)

Blade Runner has mass appeal and simultaneously addresses complex issues, with use of film settings, science fiction genre, issues of what is it to be human, and Christianity. The art of the film maker is to use the audiences attention to suggest his/her views of society. That is why films like Blade Runner, directed by…

Blade Runner Analytical Essay (662 words)

Blade Runner

Words: 662 (3 pages)

Blade Runner written by Ridley Scott is a movie based in the future. It is Scott’s depiction of what is to become of Earth. But technological advances shown in Blade Runner have come to a point where humanity can be questioned. Reality is blurred and the nature of what is human is changing. Replicants appear…

The movie Othello Essay (875 words)


Words: 875 (4 pages)

The movie Othello is full of very believeable and well developed characters. As it is a tradgedy, thought, we have to have a victim or victims, in this case Othello, and the cause of their misery, which is Iago. Iago manipulates Cassio, Roderigo, Emilia, and Othello, useing a variety of methods. Iago s plots are…

The Confederate dead Essay (861 words)

The Dead

Words: 861 (4 pages)

    Through these reflections on the Confederates, persona discovers his own faults as a human being, and although he never comes to a resolution, he leaves the graveyard different as he entered it for he now has a greater understanding of his own ego. Tate’s beautiful poem is a tribute to the poet’s ability…

The Matrix – short analysis Essay

Analytical Essay


Words: 542 (3 pages)

My favourite film is The Matrix because it is a great all round film the special effects are absolutely brilliant but so is the plot, normally we either have the pleasure of great special effects or a plot, not both of them together, but this film has definitely pulled it off. The matrix is quite…

The Matrix – review Essay (1454 words)


Words: 1454 (6 pages)

Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne, lead the fight to free human kind in the Matrix, a complicated deception of the world, created by the powerful machines of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that control everyone and everything within this manufactured world. Neo played by Keanu Reeves, is chosen from the millions of unsuspecting people caught up within…

The Matrix review Essay (899 words)


Review Essay

Words: 899 (4 pages)

The Matrix is a jaw-dropping, action packed thriller, based on the fight between good and evil. It pushes the boundaries of science fiction to new extremes, with a blend of special effects and eye dazzling martial arts, which will leave the audience nonplussed. The talented Wachowski brothers have pulled out the stocks, and beyond. As…

The Matrix – opening scenes analysis Essay

Analytical Essay


Words: 1332 (6 pages)

  Most of the diegetic sounds in the film are quite quiet, as they must not overrule the attention of the viewers, as that would not be realistic. Some of the diegetic sounds must be loud and intrusive like the phones ringing. This is sharp and sudden, and it is a very clever way of…

The layers that can be constructed from the film Matrix Essay



Words: 1229 (5 pages)

‘The Matrix,’ released in April 1999 directed by the Wachowski Brothers, was a great success. The magnificent effort in making the film was rewarded as it won four awards for the British Academy Awards. These were for best sound, best film editing, best sound effects editing and best visual effects. “The Matrix,” was also nominated…

The movie dead poet’s societys neil vs Essay


Words: 870 (4 pages)

To most people a dream is Just a part of the imagination, of course it would be ideal for it to come true, but the average person can see the difference from a dream to reality. The average person knows not to trust people blindly, knows to do what is best for them, they understand…

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