William Shakespeare
Words: 1059 (5 pages)
Explore Shakespeare’s presentation of Prospero in The Tempest. Definition of good as it is in the Chambers Dictionary, 1999; “good, having suitable or desirable qualities; promoting health, welfare or happiness; virtuous; pious; benevolent; well-behaved…” Definition of evil as it is in the Chambers Dictionary, 1999; “evil, wicked or bad mischievous; very disagreeable or angry; unfortunate…” In The Tempest, one is…
Words: 673 (3 pages)
Examine Priestly’s Stagecraft In Act 1 of ‘An Inspector Calls’. How does he use dramatic Techniques To Engage The Interest of An Audience. In ‘An Inspector Calls J.B. Priestley tries to get the point of socialism across; this is the view that we are all responsible for each other. He uses the harshness of the inspector…
Words: 632 (3 pages)
Throughout the play Inspector Goole serves the purpose of creating tension and intrigue. For example, towards the end of Act One the inspector announces that Eva Smith changed her name to Daisy Renton. Gerald Croft is started and asks the inspector to repeat his self. The inspector reiterates his statement to which Gerald croft reacts…
Words: 920 (4 pages)
Discuss the characters of Maggie and Hobson in their dramatic context. Comment on how they illustrate and highlight the social context of the Victorian era and the effect on the modern audience. Maggie and Hobson, the two main protagonists of the play when viewed in their social, moral and historic contexts act as the fulcrum for…
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William Shakespeare
Words: 772 (4 pages)
Discuss Shakespeare’s presentation of Katherina and Petruchio and the nature of their relationship. Focus on their particular scenes in Act two and Act five and compare the difference between them. At the beginning of Act 2 Kat is very violent towards her sister Bianca. This act of physical violence is to show how uncontrollable Kat is….
Character Analysis
Words: 1971 (8 pages)
Compare the presentation of Juliet in Act 1 Scene 5 in Romeo & Juliet with the presentation of the same character in Baz Lurhman’s adaptation of the play Introduction * Romeo and Juliet tells the tale of a metaphysical vision of mutual love that drowns and perishes in its idealistic and vehement nature. * Within…
William Shakespeare
Words: 1088 (5 pages)
William Shakespeare had a stake holding in the Globe Theatre and also acted in some of the productions of the plays. The success of the Elizabethan theatres, including the Globe, was such that other forms of Elizabethan entertainment were being seriously affected. In 1591 the growing popularity of theatres led to a law closing all…
Words: 1928 (8 pages)
The opening of both versions of this piece sets the president for what follows, the Luhrman version perhaps more so than Franco Zefferelli’s attempt. They display glimpses of what is to come, drawing the viewer deeper into the story. The amalgamation of multiple ‘Big Close Ups’ and bird’s eye shot, as well as the incorporation…
Character Analysis
Words: 1605 (7 pages)
Concentrating on the presentation of character, setting and sound; examine what seems to you to be the most significant features of the Baz Luhrmann films you have studied. You should: * Consider the nature of Baz Luhrmann as a director, his aims and intentions. * Through an analysis of the opening scene of his text,…
Words: 456 (2 pages)
In the prologue for the Pardoner and the Monk, Chaucer satirizes both characters. The Monk is only lightly satirized for his choice of vocation, whereas the Pardoner is much more harshly satirized for his morals. As a member of the church, the Monk should devote his time to religious matters, such as copying out the…
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