Words: 1487 (6 pages)
A brief review of the history of US colleges and universities reveals an increase in the types and effectiveness of academic student services such as tutoring, at-risk counseling, and academic advising for non-traditional adult learners. This is attributed to the steady increase of non-traditional students in college campuses throughout the nation. Non-traditional learners are defined…
Words: 2313 (10 pages)
This paper investigates the connection between higher education and unemployment using regression analysis. The hypothesis is that the more government spend on higher education the lower the unemployment rate will be. Other free factors, for example, sate GDP per capita, the rate of population with four-year college education or higher, the expense of school participation…
Words: 2476 (10 pages)
The United States Census Bureau (2014) estimates that by the year 2060 the non-Hispanic White alone population will consist of less than 50% of the total U.S. population[RGG1]. As a result, these estimates indicate a majority-minority crossover in which the majority of the total population is made up of minority groups. Census data approximated the…
Words: 658 (3 pages)
Stress is a major difficulty that students find entering into higher education. Sheridan and Dunne (2012) stated that results from a qualitative study showed that stress was seen as a result of organisation and time management. Students find it difficult to stay organised and to be able to manage their time efficiently. Students learn that…
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Words: 2647 (11 pages)
Focused on industry wide macro issues that can build up an organization’s value and help create competitive advantage, strategic thinking is the backbone to an organization moving forward (Nelson, 2014). Standing still and not moving with the market and continuing to change and innovate is the death of any business. Customer preference, culture, the market…
Words: 1310 (6 pages)
Ten undergraduate college students participated in this study by answering researcher’s questions during one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The questions explored their experiences/challenges faced on their studies, how these challenges affect their studies, how do they handle it, which motivates them to continue studying despite of their condition and what kind of help or support does the…
Words: 1048 (5 pages)
Prior research was conducted to examine student veterans returning from recent combat theaters in Iraq and Afghanistan and their re-enrollment in higher education. Rumann & Hamrick, (2010) found that numerous student veterans described having elevated levels of distress after returning home from combat deployment and attempting to transition back into a class environment. Numerous non-traditional…
Words: 944 (4 pages)
Plagiarism takes various forms. A student may cheat doing something as extreme as purchasing a paper, hiring someone to write a paper or turning in a paper freely provided by a friend. Many students unknowingly commit Plagiarism by failing to properly cite their sources crediting the authors. Still others cite, but plagiarize by coping much…
Words: 448 (2 pages)
“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” I share this quote by John Shedd with students each year in the hopes of building their sense of adventure and cultivating a willingness to step out of their comfort zone. I share it because so many students are crippled…
Words: 1579 (7 pages)
Introduction The objects that we see in our own precious eyes are made by God and was developed by Man. To look at the things is very simple and to use those things is very usual. But appreciating those things is very hard if we don’t know how it is done and what the story…
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