Words: 706 (3 pages)
As I near the end of my high school career, I realize that I am not the same person who began 3 years ago as a freshman. While my teachers instilled the fundamental aspects of a well-rounded education, I learned through my own experience that education extends beyond the classroom. My activities in academics, athletics,…
Words: 266 (2 pages)
Scholarship EssayNo greater contribution can be made to a specific field than research that leads to the development of a new and superior technology. Universities and businesses constantly attempt to remain on the cutting edge of new design, manufacturing, and application systems through research and development. If I were given the opportunity to conduct my…
Words: 4973 (20 pages)
Joeral obligation to prohibitthe public expression of hate speech on their campuses. Alexander, Larry. BANNING HATE SPEECH AND THE STICKS AND STONES DEFENSE. Constitutional Commentary. Spring, 1996In addressing this issue, I, like most of the scholars, shall take “hate speech” to mean epithets conventionally understood to be insulting references to characteristics such as race, gender,…
Words: 2226 (9 pages)
The main character of the novel Crime and Punishment by Feodor Dostoevsky, Raskolnikov, is in reality has two totally contradicting personalities. One part of him is intellectual. He is cold, unfeeling and inhumane. He exibits tremendous self-will. It is this side that enables him to commit the most terrible crime imaginable – taking another human…
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Words: 1057 (5 pages)
Im going to have to let you go, says coach Tim Koth to another former player as he adds another notch to his belt. Its nothing personal, I like you, he says, but I have to look at this as a business. Is that what it is? I always looked at sport as an outlet,…
Words: 1586 (7 pages)
In the article “A visit to the information mall: web searching behavior of high school students”, the authors aimed at describing the searching behavior of high school students and recommending changes in the design of the web that may improve the learning experience of students (Fidel et al, 1999). The authors conducted a field research…
Words: 620 (3 pages)
When students are still in high school, college looms in the distance like an ominous cloud. Frankly, all of the students are scared about going to college. When students go to college they feel like going to the great unknown to go to a place where they dont know anyone. But after all college is…
Words: 870 (4 pages)
As I thought of this article, many of the issues I have faced as a single Hmong woman in her mid-twenties came to mind. Should I discuss the functional reasons why marriage is so important in the Hmong culture, especially for women? Or do I talk about the lack of eligible, older Hmong men? Better…
Words: 963 (4 pages)
Student Athletes Deserve More than Scholarships Student Athletes Deserve More than Scholarships. A Look into the Finances of MajorCollege Sports Programs Student-athletes at major colleges and universities do more than attendclasses, practices, and compete against other teams. They generate money. Supporters of theplay-for-pay concept believe that since major college athletic programs produce large sums ofmoney…
Words: 2705 (11 pages)
Motivation to Return to SchoolI decided at that moment that I would return to school and graduate with my bachelor?s degree. I made a promise to myself that I would finish my education. If I complete my education, I would make my parents proud of me. Plus, I want to be the first person on…
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Importance of Internet for Today’s High School and College Classes
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How Can College Students Study Effectively and Earn Better Grades
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Causes of Sexual Assaults on College Campuses
Causes of Increased College Tuition in America
Benefits of Education System in The Ivy League Colleges
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