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Essay Examples

A Christmas Carol Argumentative Essay

Christmas Carol

Words: 1249 (5 pages)

By the end of ‘A Christmas Carol ‘Scrooge has undergone great changes; with close reference to – and quotation from – several very different sections of the text, discuss the variety if ways in which Dickens presents the story. Throughout the whole story in the Christmas Carol, it shows the writer Charles Dickens had deeply…

Three key scenes in the Crucible Essay


Words: 1885 (8 pages)

Act: 1 At the start of page 16, Mary Warren and Abigail are talking. During this conversation John Procter enters the room. As Mary Warren sees John Procter, Mary Warren leaps in fright. From this we can see Conclusion that Mary Warren is scared of John Procter. Without having to say anything Mary Warren says,…

Blood Brothers Portfolio Essay (922 words)

In Cold Blood

Words: 922 (4 pages)

For this section of the exam we have been studying and exploring the play “Blood Brothers” by Willy Russel. We have used many explorative strategies to help us interrupt the text and show us the themes and issues of the play. I enjoyed most of the exercises we did, but found many of them challenging….

Blood Brothers Development Essay

In Cold Blood

Words: 463 (2 pages)

We chose to work on the scene when the two twins confront their particular teachers, which is a highpoint of humour in Blood Brothers. The scene informs us three elements. Firstly we see the completely different quality of education the twins are exposed to and secondly how similar the twins are despite this different learning…

Blood Brothers Coursework The theme of hardship Essay


In Cold Blood

Words: 664 (3 pages)

The definition of hardship is “that which has to bear, suffering, privation” which basically means when a person goes through a hard time due to a split up or a person dying often leading to a series of unfortunate events. Willy Russell’s music interests started at about the age of 13 when he would leave school…

Bathsheba and Oak are both very significant characters in the book Essay



Words: 1113 (5 pages)

Bathsheba and Oak are both very significant characters in the book. The books story constantly revolves around Bathsheba and in my opinion she is the main character in the book. This young, pretty lady ends up changing the lives of three men forever. Her charms, vanity and the way in which she entraps men with…

The Outsiders by S E Hinton Essay

The Outsiders

Words: 2248 (9 pages)

S. E. Hinton was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the year of 1948. As a kid, she was timid. She kept quiet and to herself. After high school, her father was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She poured her heart and soul into writing to cope with the tragic turn of events. At only 15…

Research on the Internet and books Essay


Words: 881 (4 pages)

In order for all of us to try and develop a Liverpool accent we recorded our voices and then listened to them back to try and improve our accents. We as a group found this method very helpful as we all were playing young children and we had to try and develop Liverpool children’s accents…

Lord of the Flies: Plot Analysis

Lord Of The Flies

Words: 500 (2 pages)

Life without adults, I guess this is just one of life’s mysteries because no one will be able to experience this. In this coursework I shall be looking at some of the benefits of not having any adults in the world and some of the repercussions of living life without them. I shall be using…

An Inspector Calls Sheila Essay

An Inspector Calls

Words: 720 (3 pages)

How would you direct An Inspector Calls to ensure that it is still relevant today? J.B Priestly wrote An Inspector Calls in 1945, but he set it in the year of 1912, and throughout the play there are several prominent ideas. Over the years, the way in which Priestly has presented these thoughts, while still relevant,…

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