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    Fools Rush in Essay (466 words)

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    Fools Rush In Movie Review “Fools Rush In’ is a love story that has magic, glamour and romance. Mathew Perry plays a Manhattan go getter by the name of Alex Whitman who is sent to Las Vegas to oversee the construction and launching of the latest link in an international chain of nightclubs. Shortly after arriving in Vegas, Alex Whitman meets Isabel Fuentes who is played by Salma Hayek. While waiting in line for the restroom in a small, bustling Mexican restaurant, Isabel, an aspiring photographer, turned on her considerable charm on the boyish Alex to let her go in ahead of him.

    They instantly hit it off and partake in a one night stand. Subsequently, Alex and his partner pal get their club project underway, and Isabel, who left Alex without so much as her last name or phone number, is out of Alex’s life. However, Isabel appears three months later with news that she is pregnant and he is the father of the child she is carrying. Alex launches on a “women’s right to choose” speech when she cuts him off, saying that she intends to keep the child and that she expects nothing from him whatsoever.

    She felt that informing him that he was going to be a father was the honorable thing to do. Alex is from a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) background while Isabel’s of a proud Mexican American heritage. Distant from his parents, Isabel tells Alex that her relatives need to meet him at least once. “Fools Rush In” invites its viewers to consider how well many people really know each other when they get married, and how crucial trust and candor are at any relationship.

    Isabel can sense that Alex is not the marring kind and she lies to him by telling him that she had a miscarriage to release him of any duties he may have felt. Alex realizes that Isabel was a loving person and he tries to find her. Isabel has left to spend some time with her grandmother, and it is during this time that her grandmother convinces her to return and find Alex and tell him the truth. Alex waits for Isabel’s return on the bridge that she must cross to come home.

    He immediately spots her jeep and stands in the middle of the bridge to force her to stop. When she exits the jeep he notices that she is still pregnant. Overwhelmed with joy that she did not have a miscarriage, he professes his love for her by telling her that fate, not the baby had brought them together. Isabel goes into labor and delivers a baby girl. The movie ends with Alex and Isabel getting married in the true Mexican fashion with her family and friends.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Fools Rush in Essay (466 words). (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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