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    The way I feel about this novel

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    1. How do I feel about this novel ? The way I feel about this novel is kind ofmixed because , I couldn’t tell if Mr.

    King was trying to scare me like it was ahorror story or if he was trying to make this story more Science Fiction . Theway I reacted , when he starts to talk about the power of Charlie McGee and howshe is starting to realize her strengths. It freaked me out , because how couldsomebody have that much power. The way this novel relates to me and others is ,when McGee starts to become very controlling with to much power . My friends dothe same thing when they think their in charge.

    The feeling I mostly experienced. Was sadness for McGee because she was blessed with a gift , that many wouldnot want , being able to set things on fire . The way I responded to knowingthat she had these powers at first was OK cool, but then I realized what kind ofdestruction she can cause. 2. I think the novel means that some people are bornwith special things or bad things. Such as a good thing being perfect andhealthy, but a bad thing wood be in McGee’s case being able to burn things orlight them on fire .

    I think the theme of the novel is to try to scare you . Ialso think that Stephen King is telling an important message by writing thesekinds of books . The message is nothing is ever perfect . For example McGee wasa great student, daughter, pretty much good over all , but she had a littlesecret . The author is saying that the world is unfair to different people withspecial abilities like McGee because she is different. 3.

    I think the Authorcreated the meaning of the novel by giving a regular eight year old girl aspecial power. Through this I think Mr. King is trying to say that people of allages do have certain powers and privileges and when those privileges are takenaway people get angry and tend to do bad and cruel things. 4. The evaluation thatI gave the novel would be a six, because it kept me reading, but I could of juststopped any time.

    The novel was worth (nine dollars and seventy five cents, justkidding) reading because it was interesting and scary at the same time. Judgingthis book up to my standards which are interest, and enjoyment . The book wasinteresting at some parts and enjoyable at some parts overall this was a littlebit above average book compared up to my standards. The most important thing tome as an evaluator is to be able to read and comprehend the authors work. Forinstance when Mr. King says this sentence it turned into a fine powder I knewthen that McGee had burned something very thourghouly.

    5. I don’t think themessage of this novel is worthwhile, because the message is more than less notreal with a girl being able to create fire in her hand.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The way I feel about this novel. (2018, Dec 30). Retrieved from

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