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    Finding the Best Part of Myself Essay

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    An experience plays a key role in our life. For me experiences from different cultures and societies had played a vital role in making me the person I am now. Growing up in India and moving to the USA had gave me so many experiences in my life. These experiences that I had from both societies helped to judge what is good and what is bad. Experiences plays a huge part in our life. Experiences for a human being is like oxygen we breathe in. Every single day we have some sort of experiences in our life whether is good or bad we have to face it.

    Just like oxygen that we breathe in, we don’t know if is polluted or not but we just breathe in the oxygen. As experiences plays a huge part in our life, so does learning from the experiences too. So, I believe that experiences and learning from the experiences would make a human, a better person in the society. For example, living in India with my grandparents had given me lot of knowledge about how to face life under difficult experiences or situations. My grandfather was a hardworking and dedicated person. He have been working in the field for over 70 years until he was bedridden.

    He worked in the field to provide us with food and money. Every day, he learned something new about how to have a better produce from the land. Sometimes, he had to change the way he thought would have gave better produce to another. His experiences had given him lot of knowledge about how to do something and how to not. He learned from his mistakes and improved or did different things to correct his mistakes. As a kid, I always looked at him to learn how he faced situations like a warrior. He had had bad experiences in the field too but he never gave up, he worked harder.

    His hard work for better production from the field made me to work harder in my life and also, through his dedication I have learned to stick with my goals until I have achieved it. Moreover, not just having the experience made my grandfather successful, but having an experience and learning from it made my grandfather successful. Even though, he was successful farmer he was really cheap, he would not spend or waste a single penny for things he didn’t wanted. He saves them all and puts them in the bank to get huge interests. He had always told me not to waste money, rather save it.

    My grandfather only started saving because my father had lot of debts, so, my grandfather wanted to help him. My grandmother always used to say that my grandfather only started to save money due to fact that my father had a debt. So, the situation/experience made my grandfather to save money. Myself I was able to use my experiences from India, in the USA for saving money, helping and respecting others. Thus, it is the experience that makes person to do certain things. Learning from our experiences and living accordingly will only make us a better person.

    Without learning from our experiences will not rectify the mistakes and we will keep doing the same mistakes again and again, until we have learned from the experiences. In my life all the experience I had only changed me to a better, successful, hardworking and dedicated human. My experience in India and learning from those mistakes had made be the person I am. So, not just experience makes you a better person but, it is important to learn from the mistakes too. Thus, it will make a better human in the world.

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    Finding the Best Part of Myself Essay. (2018, Aug 04). Retrieved from

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