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    Far From The Madding Crowd Essay

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    Robert Cormier is known for not taking a morally simplistic position regarding the right and wrong of terrorists and patriots. This is shown with Miro as Cormier often reminds the reader that he is still human. He does this by initially relating him with negativity as he feels anger, fear, and frustration. This makes the reader perceive him as heartless and with no consideration towards others, as the only times he feels excitement is during the action and killings. His human side is portrayed as he interacts with Kate, as he always seems to come away from her feeling annoyed with himself as his defenses have been let down.

    These standard feelings make the reader feel shocked as their perception of terrorists is played with and twisted. However, a stereotypical feature of a terrorist is loyalty towards its leader. Miro never fails to demonstrate this towards Artkin throughout the novel. Miro is always looking to impress Artkin. On the contrary, Miro seems to doubt who Artkin really is on occasions. For example, in Chapter 10, Kate says, “Those two men who were with you are dead, the one you called Antibbe and the black guy. And Artkin. Who’s left?”

    Nobody. Your brother’s dead. And now your father,” Miro said. He looked at her, startled. His breath, stale and rancid, entered her mouth and nostrils. “My father – what do you mean? Now my father?” Kate asked, “Artkin. He was your father, wasn’t he?” Miro replied, “It’s not possible.” Artkin his father? He could not acknowledge that truth, if it were true. The development that Cormier creates of the characters during the novel affects the reader in such a way that makes them feel drawn into the characters’ progress rather than the plot’s progress.

    Inevitably, this creates a deep connection between them and the characters. I can conclude that due to the terrorist situation of our time now, ‘After the First Death’ will hold more relevance to the modern-day reader. However, ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’ is much more complex and cultured, yet it merely tackles industrial problems of the eighteenth century. This may appeal to the elder reader, but it depends on personal preference.

    The authors of each novel have included great involvement of characters, each containing a stereotypical aspect to their characters, which is a technique enabling the reader to relate to certain qualities. Robert Cormier creates a deeper relationship and involvement between the reader and the personality of the character. Thomas Hardy has a very strong and involved narrative voice, unlike Robert Cormier, who leaves the description of events and ideas through the development of the characters and the plot.

    The intended audience is obviously different as the two novels were written in completely different centuries. In my opinion, After the First Death” appeals to the younger generation because it has less complex language and a stronger sense of adventure in the plot, which is appealing to them. In comparison, “Far from the Madding Crowd” appeals to more rustic characters who enjoy countryside imagery. I personally feel that both novels are successful in fulfilling their aims to provide the type of enjoyment that their intended audiences require.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Far From The Madding Crowd Essay. (2017, Oct 10). Retrieved from

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