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    Familiar from reading or first hand experience Essay

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    In other words all members were aware of their Mother Club as the Wanganui East Swimming Club and the sub groups they may belong to. The identification with a mother group, and sub groups, is also found outside Sporting and Interest groups. It can be also seen in the gang forum. It is demonstrated succinctly during the interview conducted by Bill Payne (Gangs – Old Dogs And Chinamen pp92 & 93) when the interviewee is speaking of his gang patch. Mongrel Mob [name] is on top and that’s where is belongs, where we are from is secondary. Okay, were from Wellington and we’re proud of that.

    Here the Mongrel Mob are speaking of their Chapters spread around New Zealand but are clearly stating their first and foremost allegiance is to the Mongrel Mob. Swimming Club Members may be on the Diving or Waterpolo teams but they are first and foremost members of the Swimming Club. In conclusion the swimming club selected is a group that typifies any functional group looked at whether it be a swimming club, rugby club, interest group or even a gang. The duration or history of the group in this case stretches over decades but this is not unique to the Wanganui East Swimming Club.

    Long established successful groups can be seen world over. The Swimming Clubs history has built up over the years but history starts accumulating the moment a group forms. The culture of the group is Swimming but it can be anything that members have in common and identify with, as is the case with Rugby Clubs or Ethnic Gangs. All groups have leaders or activists to co-ordinate things, The Swimming Club is no different. Boundaries may be set formally by way of a fee or non formally and are recognised by both insiders and outsiders of the group.

    The Club or groups success engenders both communal and individual pride within the group. Pride in the group also gives rise to loyalty. Although membership of communities are never static and the Wanganui East swimming Club is no exception. They will gather new members, new activists. Some members will become inactive or drift off, but it is not uncommon for individuals who have become inactive to years later still identify themselves as Swimmers with the Club, Rugby Players or Mongrel Mob Members.

    The above mentioned characteristics are ever present when looking at all successful groups and could be identified in all groups if a “snap shot’ was taken at any time during the groups life.

    REFERENCES 176. 204, Book of Readings, Peter Beatson, The Defining Features of Community. 176. 204, Book of Readings, Bill Payne, Gangs, ‘The Mongrel Mob, Old Dogs and Chinamen. 176. 204, Book of Readings, Richard Thompson, Group Loyalties and National Unity. TYSON, Trevor, 1998 (2nd edition) Working with Groups, Australia, MacMillan Education Pty Ltd.

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    Familiar from reading or first hand experience Essay. (2017, Dec 15). Retrieved from

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