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    Experiencing Poetry Organizer Essay

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    What emotion was the author trying to express’structure: How is the poem organized (lines, stanzas, etc. )? What is unique or interesting about the structure of the poem? Does the poem rhyme? Meaning: What is the poem saying about life or love? Do you agree or disagree with this message? Explain. Are there any other reasonable ways to interpret this poem? Publication: What kind of magazine or other publication would be the best place for this type of poem?

    Selected Poem Title: Apart (Less Spars)let appears to be about how the poet may be trying to forget about a past relationship. For the most part the poem was understandable. I really enjoyed the 4th line in the 1st stanza, it makes it easier to relate to how disturbed the narrator really is. The poet doesn’t use a lot of imagery but he does use metaphors and similes which makes it easier to understand and visualize how he is feeling. The author uses metaphors, similes, and personification.

    These poetic devices helps create a visual on how the poet is feeling and helps the reader comprehend what the author is trying to say. I believe the emotion that the author was trying to explain is: sadness/ despair. The poem has 4 stanzas, each containing 4 lines. The poet uses repetition throughout this entire poem. This is unique because at the beginning of each stanza and then again at the end of the Tanta the author says “do not write” This helps emphasize how the author wants to cut off all communication from whoever hurt them so badly.

    The poem does in fact rhyme. It has an ABA rhyme scheme throughout the whole poem. To me I feel that the poem is giving a negative connotation on love. The way I interpret this poem is that the author is Just so fed up and frustrated with whatever happened between him and his ex-lover that he never wants to speak with them again. I completely agree with the poet. If you get out of a relationship and really loved and cared about that arson then the only way to get over it is to cut off communication and forget about that person entirely.

    I believe the magazine “Love Stinks” would be the most appropriate article to place this type of poem in. The magazine is for readers who have been hurt in their past relationships. It comforts them to let them know they are not alone in their sadness or bitterness. When the poet says “To knock at my heart is like knocking on a tomb” (Simpson, line 4) This shows how cold and hard his heart is after being hurt by love. This will provide comfort for someone who is heart broken.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Experiencing Poetry Organizer Essay. (2018, Jan 19). Retrieved from

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